Chapter 2

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⚠️TW for substance abuse, self harm, disordered eating, self harm, abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, and more. Take these seriously!⚠️

June 30th, 2021

The sun peers through the window onto my face, waking me up. I flip over onto my side and pick up my phone laying on my bedside table. It reads 11 AM, June 30th, 2021. I look next to where my phone was and see a folded little piece of paper with my name on it. I unfold it and it's a note from Amelia

Sorry I had to leave so early. I would've woken you but you looked so peaceful. There's food in the fridge and cabinets and if nothing in there sparks your interest, I left $20 on the counter. There's a small shopping center down the road a few minutes on foot or you can order out. Take out menus are in the drawer next to the fridge. Have a great day honey, I'll be home around 6. Be ready to go shopping!

I place the note back on my table and stand up to get dressed. I fall back a little bit, stumbling. I walk up to the dresser and pull out a pair of shorts and a long sleeved crop top. I take my pajamas off and look in the mirror. I stare at the bandages wrapped around my stomach. I peel them off, groaning softly from the pain.

Most of the cuts have begun scabbing over. One was still bleed a little bit so I decide to tape it back up. I slide the shirt I picked out on and look in the mirror again. The scars lining my stomach are very visible to anyone I might see today. I rip the shirt off and throw it back into my drawer in anger. I lean down to pick up the hoodie I wore yesterday and slide it back on.

I crouch down and grab my phone, my lighter, the bag off weed, and my paper. I sit at my desk and roll a quick joint to smoke on the way. I'm not sure where I'm going but I don't wanna stay inside all day. I scoop the $20 off the counter and take the joint and light it as I step outside of Amelia's house.

I begin walking down the very suburban street, every house looking the exact same. I see a group of kids crowded on the sidewalk, coloring with chalk or something. I step around them and continue down the sidewalk. The Seattle heat pounds down on my head as I try to fight the urge to roll my sleeves up.

I continue walking until I reach a line up of stores Amelia mentioned earlier. I walk along the stores peering inside the windows reaching from the sidewalk to the roof. Stores with metal shelves lining the walls chocked full with candy and over the counter medicine.

A few places to eat including a sandwich shop where the build the sandwich in front of you. A few people stand behind the counter talking with costumers, laughing and fake smiling as if they're not getting paid $9 an hour. I notice 5 people in the shop as I walk past.

A tall guy no older than 18 with sandy brown hair and a charming smile the sparkles under the florescent by lights, a mom with bags under her eyes the size of Texas and two kids by her side pulling at her shirt and falling on the floor in anger, and a girl no older than 16 with wavy brown hair pulled back into a ponytail poking out of a green visor with the logo on it. Her eyes are deep brown and her skin is a rich tan. Her beauty is beyond anything I've ever been exposed to and it stops me dead in my tracks.

I know it's rude but I can't help but stare. The way light freckles dot on her cheeks and how her hair frames her face gently and how her nose scrunches ever so slightly when she laughs, I have to go in. I have to see her face to face.

I open the glass door as the bell hung from the celling rings and everyone turns their head. Once they realize it's just some kid they turn back to their jobs. Seeing her bronze eyes stare into mine makes my heart melt. I get up to the line and stand behind the lady and her whining kids. I duck my head past hers to stare at the lady behind the counter.

She restocks the toppings as the older guy takes the mothers order. I stare at her as she smiles down at the tomatoes and dimples appear on her cheeks. She looks up and connects eye contact as I blush frantically and quickly look at my beat up shoes trying to seem as if I wasn't staring at her.

I hear her giggle softly before returning to stocking. The guy finishes the mothers order and rips his apron off.

"I'm going on my 10." He says dropping the smile he's been faking. The girl walks up to the counter and smiles at me.

"What can I get you?" She smiles softly.

"I-I-I uh um I'll just get a soda." I say blushing once again and staring at my feet.

"A soda it is!" She says fetching a soft drink cup. "That'll be $1.50." She says handing me the plastic cup. I dig into my pockets and hand her the twenty. She pops the cash register open as a Taylor Swift song comes on the radio. "Oh I love this song!" She says darting her sight to the audio system. She hums along to Love Story as she counts out my change and hands it to me. "You like Taylor Swift?" She questions.

"Yes of course!" I say smiling. I've always kept the fact hidden cause it's not something to be proud of but it seems so easy with her. I feel like I could tell her all of my secrets.

"Same." She smiles. "I'm Maria but you can call me Mary or Mar or whatever you want." She says giggling.

"My names Claire and you can call me Claire." I say smirking.

"You new around here? I've never seen you before and I would definitely notice someone as beautiful as you." I blush and turn my head smiling.

"Yeah I'm new." I say fiddling with the soda cup still in my hands. "I just moved in with my foster mom yesterday."

"Oh cool! Where do you live?" She says cocking her head. I giggle at the sudden question. She starts to laugh and it sends butterflies to my stomach. "I don't mean it in a creepy way I was just wondering cause you might live near me." She giggles.

"Oh well I live a few minutes up the road on Hayden lane. Well until my foster mom goes crazy and I'm back living in an orphanage."

"Omg really? I live over on Eastwood which is like right begging Hayden. Who are you living with I'll probably know them. I've lived her since I was three." She smiles.

"Uh Amelia Shepherd."

"Omg Amelia!!! I love Amelia!!! She always decorates her house crazy for holidays and hands out king sized candy bars on Halloween. She's so nice! She actually tutored me in science this year cause I was on the verge of not passive sophomore year." I never knew Amelia was such a nice person. I assumed as much by my first impression but I didn't know she would have this much impact on the neighborhood. "When Chris gets back from his break I'll take mine and come sit with you." Maria says with a smile that lights her eyes up.

My stomach leaps as I walk over to the soda machine. I fill up the cup with cubes of ice then Diet Coke. While filling it up I stare at Maria helping the next customer with their order. I can't help but admire her, every thing she does looks so flawless. She looks over at me as her pony tale flips in the air and she smiles at me confused.

"I think your cup is overflowing a little." She says laughing and i quickly snap out of my stares and see the Diet Coke surrounding my hand. I pull back and laugh as I grab some napkins to wipe the soda off. I pop the lid on and poke a straw through the top and grab a seat in the back corner.

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