Chapter 5

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I stay sitting on the picnic bench in shock of what just happened. I had no idea she thought of me like that. My heart melts at the taste of her still lingering in my mouth.

I venture around the shopping center and back into the sandwich shop to wait another 3 and a half hours for Maria. I don't mind one bit.

At around 4 my phone begins to buzz in the back pocket of my Jean shorts. I pull it out and it's Amelia. I begin to walk out of the store and Maria looks up frantically.

"I'll be right back Mar." I say as the bell on the door rings behind me. Her face softens and I answer the call. "Hello."

"Hey Claire how you holding up? I'm just calling in between surgeries to make sure you're doing ok. Did you go down to the shopping center?"

"Yeah I'm actually there now. I met this really nice girl named Maria. She's so gorgeous I'm surprised I even had to nerve to talk to her." I say spilling my guts to someone I met yesterday.

"Maria Ante?!" Amelia yelps excitedly. "I used to tutor her! She's such a nice kid I'm glad you've made a friend." I giggle at the thought of her being a 'friend'. "What's so funny?"

"Uhh nothing um you're coming home around 6 right?"

"Yeah why?"

"Maria gets off at 5 and she's gonna walk me home!" I beam hoping Amelia won't get why I'm so happy.

"Oh she's welcome to stay until 6 so you won't be by yourself." Amelia offers and I smile wider then I thought was possible. I look through the window and see Maria looking through with a raised eyebrow. I can't hold back my smile when I see her.

"Ok thank you Amelia see you later!" I say handing up before I hear a response. I shove my phone in my back pocket and return to my seat in the corner. "Amelia says you can come over until 6 to keep me company." I tell Maria as she makes an elderly man his sandwich.

"Oh I'll keep you company." She says grinning.

After another few hours of staring at Maria, her shift finally ends. She removed her apron from around her neck and takes her visor off. She places them inside a cubby labeled Mar and grabs her phone.

"You ready?" She says putting a hand out. I quickly jump up from my seat and interlock fingers with her.

"Ready!" I beam as we walk out the front door and the bell shakes.

"Music?" Maria asks as she pulls her hand back and grabs AirPods.

"Yes of course." I say pulling one out and putting it in my ear. Maria looks at me and giggles as she pulls her phone out.

"What's so funny?" I say nudging her.

"Nothing you're just, you're just so gorgeous. It's actually breathtaking." My heart turns to mush and the butterflies renter my stomach as I grin at her.

"Thank you." I say awkwardly trying to hide my huge smile. She opens up a playlist titled "❤️" and hits play. Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift starts playing and I start rocking my head. Sparks Fly is one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs.

"THE WAY YOU MOVE IS LIKE A FULL ON RAINSTORM!!!" I belt at the top of my lungs. Maria looks at me shocked before laughing.

"AND IM A HOUSE OF CARDS!!!" Maria and I scream looking at each other. We continue screaming the song until we reach my street. The next song plays and I recognize it right away. It's You Are In Love by, once again, Taylor Swift.


After a few more minutes of walking we arrive back at Amelia's house and I turn the key in the knob. I open the door as the cool air conditioning hits us and a sigh of relief leaves my body. I lead Maria into the living room and throw myself on the couch.

"It's so hot I might die!" Maria yells falling next to me.

"Dramatic much?"

"Never. I'm never dramatic." She says laying her head on my shoulder and grabbing my hand. She nuzzles her head into my neck and the sweet smell of her coconut shampoo fills my senses. She tilts her head up and kiss my jaw line then laying her head back.

Butterflies live in my stomach whenever she touches me and a fire ignites in me. I turn towards her and lift her head up with my finger. I tilt my head and dive into her face with a kiss. I open my mouth inviting her tongue in and she takes that invitation gladly. She places her hands on my hips and guides me on top of her.

I straddle her thighs and pull my hair to my left side before going back in. My hands travel around her neck and trace her body gently. I let a soft moan escape into her mouth and she smiles with pride. She keeps one hand on my hips, feeling me tightly, and the other hand playing with my hoodie.

She plays with the bottom of the hoodie and tries to lift it over my head. I move my head back and throw my hands in the air for easier access. She throws it next to us then looks back at me. She stops dead in her tracks and stares at my body then back at me. She reaches her hand out and begins tracing the cuts along my stomach and wrists.

"Claire." She says trailing off at the end.

"Oh I had this cat and uh." I can't seem to make up an excuse that would explain deep gashes all across my stomach and line after line on my wrists. She holds my arm in her hand and rubs it. She looks up at me, tears welling in her eyes, and I throw my head the other way. If I see her cry, I'll cry.

"Claire are you ok?" She says, her voice breaking.

"No no I'm fine." I say stuttering slightly as tears start to fall from my eyes. Maria throws her arms around me tightly and hurts her face into my chest. As were hugging, my head bowed in her shoulder, the door swings open. I throw my head up to see Amelia holding her purse and coat she stupidly brought to work. She drops everything she's holding and stares at us.

I get off Maria and quickly throw my hoodie back on, hoping she didn't see the cuts. Maria stands up and walks towards Amelia.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Shepherd I was just uh."

"I don't care about that Maria." She says walking past Maria and straight to me. "Claire, are you ok?" She says gently, looking up at me because of our very obvious height difference. She touches my now covered arms gently and looks at me to ask if she can pull the sleeve up. I nod my head and turn away before she pulls the sleeve up.

She gasp then quickly shuts her mouth, obviously trying to be polite.

"I'm so sorry Amelia." I say my lips trembling. A tear falls from my face and onto my hoodie staining a dark patch.

"Hey hey no it's ok! It's not your fault Claire! You've been through so much and you just need to be ok!" Amelia says throwing her arms around your torso grabbing you tightly.

"I'm sorry Ms. Shepherd but my moms yelling at me to get home now." Maria says walking towards the door.

"It's ok honey you can go." Amelia says laughing.

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