Chapter 4

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"Well that brings you up to speed on my life. What about you? I've basically monologued so now it your turn. Tell me your life." I say interlocking fingers again.

"My life? It's really boring so please don't fall asleep. I was born in Pennsylvania then moved here when I was three cause my dad got some job offer or something. I went to school like a normal kid. Then, in fourth grade I had this best friend named Kate and we did everything together. One day we were watching ICarly and I said 'Sam is so beautiful I wish I could marry her' and she told me that was weird to say.

"I was confused and she told me I shouldn't want to marry Sam. I told her I thought Sam was really attractive and I loved her but she kept telling me I was wrong. I yelled at her until she left and I sat in my living room confused on why it was wrong to want to marry Sam.

"A few hours later when my mom got off from work she came into the living room to have a talk with me. She told me that Kates mom was concerned I was influencing Kate in a bad way. Kates mom didn't want Kate being friends with a lesbian. At the time I had no idea what that meant and my parents wouldn't tell me.

"I spent the next year searching up 'what's a lesbian?' 'how to tell if you're gay' and 'am I gay?'. I finally reached the conclusion towards the beginning of 6th grade that I like girls the way I was supposed to like boys. I tried to keep it secret from my parents but I met this girl around 7th grade names Brynn.

"At first I thought we were just friends but I soon realized that's not how I felt. I didn't want to be friends with her, I wanted to kiss her, and I did. We were sitting in the very back of the bus on the drive home and I leaned over and kissed her. Before that I hadn't kissed anyone, boy or girl.

"She pulled back shocked then kissed me back. I held her hand the rest of the bus ride while taking an occasional glance at her and we would both blush. The next day at school she handed me a note ripped out of her math workbook reading 'I really liked that kiss yesterday, wanna be my girlfriend?' I scribbled out 'YES' with 8 exclamation marks. After that period we held hands as she walked me to my class and kissed me before I went in.

"She skipped away as the Principal stared at me. I ran into my English class and quickly slid into my desk. A few minutes later my name was over the PA system calling me to the principals office. When I got there my parents were sitting in front of the principals desk looking pissed they were called out of work.

"The principal called me to sit down and told my parents what he saw in the hallway. My heart sank into my stomach when the words left his mouth and I quickly glanced at my parents. My dad looked shocked with his jaw hanging like it was broken but my mom kept her composure.

"I think after the ICarly incident she always expected I was gay. The principal sent me back to class and I sat there in shame thinking it was wrong to be gay. Thinking I should be ashamed of who I am. I kept my head down the rest of the day until I had to get on the bus. I took my usual seat in the back and Brynn took her usual seat of right next to me.

"I told Brynn we should break up and she said she hated me and ran out of the seat. I started crying thinking I was an abomination. Brynn never talked to me again and I still see her in the hallways. She's actually dating a man now and I'm pretty sure she's pregnant." Maria says laughing. "That's probably the most interesting thing that's happened to me. I know getting outed to my parents isn't anything compared to what you shared bu-"

"There's no need to compare trauma, your trauma is just as serious as mine. I understand how you're feeling. I've known I'm gay since I was a baby. There was no doubt in my mind that I liked women. My mom didn't care or hell even know. My personal life was the least of her thoughts so I kinda figured it out by myself."

"I've got 10 more minutes what do you wanna do?"

"Sit. My legs are tired from walking up and down this shopping center."

"I agree!" Maria says pulling me down an alley.

"Are you gonna kill me?" I say confused.

"Oh shut up it'll be fine!" We end up behind the stores and there's a wooden picnic table sitting behind a beauty salon and a cafe.

"Where'd this even come from?" I ask Maria as she sits down and pulls me next to her. She shrugs her shoulders and puts her hand on top of our hands interlocked. I look down at out hands then back up at her. Her eyes sparkle and pop in the sunlight that streams across her face. A single strand of hair blows lightly in the wind in-front of her face. I tuck it behind her ear as my face inches closer to hers.

She glances at my lips before looking up at me. I can't help myself. I lean in go kiss her and hope with everything in me she'll like it. She takes her hand from mine and puts in on my neck. She continues kissing me softly, her mouth tasting of polar ice gum and iced tea. She begins to slip her tongue in and I invite it in eagerly. I massage her tongue with mine as my stomach fills with butterflies. I move my body closer to hers and put one hand on her hip and the other on the back of her head.

I run my hands through her hair gently trying not to knot it. I let myself melt into her kisses and try my best not to moan in pleasure. She moves closer to me before straddling my lap. She parts lips and smiles before pulling her hair back and continues kissing me.

I move my hands to her waist trying to not grab her ass to be polite but I'm really tempted. My hands venture under her tee shirt and I rub her back. The big metal door ingrained with Subway swings open and Chris steps out into the alley.

"Your lunch break is ov- oh didn't mean to interrupt whatever this is." He says realizing Maria is on top of me. "Maria I see you're really enjoying your lunch but your times up and the crowds are getting crazy."

"I'm coming!" She yells at him before he retreats back into the sandwich shop.

"Ugh!" Maria groans and she lays her head on my shoulder. "I don't wanna go back go work. I would much rather stay here." She says kissing me again sending my heart to my feet.

"I don't want you to go either." I say grabbing her hips. She steps off my hips begins walking towards the door.

"You better be here to walk me home!"

"I will!"

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