Chapter 3

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I spread my wings, getting ready to fly, but it was too late. I hit the water. I'm freaking out. My wings are getting soaked, which means I can't fly. I'm sinking under the weight of my wings and it's been a very long time since I used my powers over water. I know I can't drown but everything is going dark, and I hear a splash before everything goes completely black.

Oh great a dream. Note the sarcasm there. Demigod dreams are the worst. Anyway. I'm standing in a grey room. I can see giants and titans sitting around a table having what looks like a conference. I'm in the middle of a crowd of monsters, Roman and Greek demigod, and creatures that I've never seen before.

I start making my way towards the meeting to hear what the giants and titans are saying. I stop in my tracks when I can hear what they're saying.

"We must attack immediately!"

"No! We must make it look like they won so the angels will return from where they came. Then, we attack."

"Good plan. Great plan. Let's go with that."

"Meeting adjourned."

I wake up screaming and mumbling utter nonsense. Everyone runs into the room I'm in. It looks like the camp infirmary. The campers are staring at me. Why are they staring at me? STYX! I'm not wearing my hood nor my mask.

"It's her! But she's dead!" One camper exclaimed.

"It can't be!" Yet another camper. "Let me through! What's going on?!?" Chiron came into the infirmary. He looked at me with disbelief.

"That's why you didn't want us to know who you are. After what happened over 500 years ago. I'm sorry that I didn't try to stop them. Princess Amelia." Chiron bowed and everyone soon followed his lead, saying sorry and Princess Amelia.

Maris ran into the infirmary and stopped. Looking at the campers bowing down to me. Then he looked at me and realized that I wasn't wearing my hood or mask.

"What happened?" I asked my brother. Remembering the fall then darkness.

"You fell off of Feather and crashed into the river. I jumped in after you but by the time I got there you were unconscious." Maris had a sad look on his face as he told me what happened.

"I brought you back to camp where the Apollo kids ran over to help. I let them take you to the infirmary. I followed but not very fast. It took a lot of energy to propel us to shore. When I got to the infirmary, Will Solace was staring at you, your mask and cloak in his hands. He turned around to face me and tackled me in a hug. I thought they would hats us but they love us. They missed us."
I can't believe what my brother is telling me. They missed us? They love us? The last time we were here they ignored us, they threw everything they could at us, they spread nasty rumors about us. They hurt us both emotionally and physically.
"Where's Blaze?" I asked Maris.
"Blaze. B-L-A-Z-E. Blaze."
"Haven't seen him."
Blaze Summers. Son of Apollo. My ex boyfriend. He kissed Samantha the day Percy and I left. That's what made me want to leave. Percy wanted to leave because Annabeth had kissed Nathan.

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