Chapter 7

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It's Daniel. What's he doing here? The Ares children look like they're about to beat Daniel up. He's unarmed and kneeling in submission to the campers. It looks like the campers are preparing to attack Daniel. An Ares boy is sneaking up behind Daniel, sword raised.

"Stop!" I don't know why but I yell at the camper.

"Don't hurt him." I command.

"Why shouldn't we? He's caused enough damage as is." The Ares kid replies.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"Johnathan Davidson" The Ares kid answers.

"Well Johnathan. If you kill Daniel you'll be no better than than him, Brutus, Nathan, or Samantha. You'll be a murderer. Do you really want that?"

"No Princess Amelia." Johnathan lowers his sword and joins his siblings.

"Daniel McAdams. You have committed crimes against Camp Half-Blood, the gods, and the Prince and Princess of the Universe. How do you plea?" I address Daniel.

"Guilty as charged Your Majesty." Daniel truly sounds ashamed at what he has done.

"Is there anything you would like to say to the camp before I decide your punishment?"

"I would like to say just one thing."

"What might that be?"

"I'm sorry for everything. I was forced into this. I didn't want to do any of it, but they had saved my life a long time ago. I felt indebted to them. I'm sorry. I truly am sorry." Daniel didn't look up once when he was saying his apologies.

"Your apology has been heard by the entirety of Camp Half-Blood. That being said, I Princess Amelia Jean Jackson, heir to the universe, adopted daughter of Chaos, co-commander of the Angels of Chaos, now declare your punishment to be… a year of kitchen duties. You do nit deserve death, pain, or torture. You told the truth and about what you did and why you did it. For that reason I do not believe you deserve anything worse than a years worth of kitchen duty."

"What! You can't let him off that easy!"

"Make him pay!"


The campers start shouting in retaliation.

"SILENCE!!!" I yell over them effectively silencing the camp.

"I have made my decision. I expect you to understand that and respect it. You are to not harm Daniel in any shape, way, or form. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!" I raise my voice on that last part to get my message across.

"Yes Your Majesty!" The campers bow in unison.

"Good. Now Daniel. Please get your things from the Hades cabin and move into the Hecate cabin with your siblings." I instruct Daniel.

"As you wish" Daniel slowly rises and makes his way towards the Hades cabin.

There are several bright flashes of light and the gods appear standing in front of their cabins. The campers bow to their parents and and gather around in front of their cabins beside their godly parents.

A flash of black and Chaos appears in front of me.

"Mom!" I run up and hug my mother. Yes, Chaos is a woman. Deal with it.

"Hello Sweetie. That was very heroic of you."

"How was that heoric mom?" I give my mother a puzzled look.

"You put aside your personal feelings towards Daniel and you heard him out. You trusted that he was telling the truth and you gave him fair punishment. For that, I step down as ruler of the universe and name you Queen Amelia. The new ruler of the universe." I can't believe what my mother just did. She's crowned me ruler over my brother.

I turn towards the camp and everyone bows down to me. Even the gods themselves. Most shocking is Zues and Hera bowing to me. My ruined jeans and tee shirt begin to glow and turn into an elegant gown decorated with stars and planets. I feel the weight of a crown on my head and a feeling of confusion, excitement, and joy overwhelm me. I feel the power flow through my veins and my wing span grows another two feet. Officially longer than my brother's.

"You all may rise." I command with new found confidence.

"I wonder…" I trail off in thought. Maybe I can pull in my wings. I know I can, I just have never tried before. I concentrate on my wings, picturing them getting smaller and smaller until they disappear into my back. I feel a pull and the weight of my wings vanish. It worked!

"What happened to her wings?" I hear the campers whispering amoungst themselves.

"What happened is I just got the ability to walk through door ways properly." I answered what everyone was thinking and mumbling about.

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