Chapter 1: The Journey Begins

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It was a sunny day at kouh Academy, and Rias's peerage was gathered today to discuss something.

"Issei...who am I to you?" Rias asked.

Issei was nervous about the others' reactions.

Before he became a Devil, he had already met Rias at a young age, and the two were inseparable and they started dating before she got her evil pieces and he acted like a pervert so people don't know about there relationship yet, and knew about the summoning circle which was planned so Issei can be with Rias as a Devil.

Rias was nervous because she loved issei more than anything and didn't care what his answer was, but was worried about the others' reactions.

"W-Well president...I-I mean Ri-" Issei was interrupted by a smack from Akeno.

The members just stared bashing him before he could begin, which angered both him and Rias and made them both leave to see Sona.

-Sona pov-

I was doing paperwork for the school while my Queen Tsubaki was helping, but the others had emergencies to do, while Saji, my pawn, went to see his family(in this AU his parents weren't killed) , then I see my chess board thinking I'm never going to find a fiance...

"My King Rias Gremory and The Red Dragon Emperor are here." Tsubaki said, getting her attention.

"Let them in." I said.

-Third person pov-

"Hello, Sona." Rias said.

"Hello, kaichou." Issei said.

"Let me guess the others thought differently?" Sona asked, making them nod.

"Of course, can this day get any worse..." Sona asks, then the ground stated rumbling, and the three looked outside and saw a ship heading towards Kyoto.

"You had to jinx it." Issei and Rais stated.

-three hours later-

Rias's peerage and Sona with Sirzechs, Michael, and Azazel were on their way to Kyoto to investigate the strange object.

The peerage of Rias looked down in shame for doing that to Issei without letting him finish.

-Timeskip to the Crashsite-

"Lady Yasaka, is anyone hurt?" Sirzechs asked.

"No lord Sirzechs, everyone is fine." She said.

While the Faction leaders were discussing heading to Yasaka's castle, Rias's peerage went with them to plan to apologize to Issei(they are gonna be yanderes also Irina wasn't there during the bashing), leaving Sona, Issei and Rias Then Sona saw something moving inside the ship and went to investigate.

"Hey, anyone in there?" Sona asked, banging on the door, then a hand was placed in the door.

It was a turle like being who fell out with a chest next to him.

"He's a comin'. Can yeh hear him? Them gears and gyros clickin' and whirring like the devil himself?" He growled into her face.

"Uh, hit your head there pretty hard, didn't ya?" Issei questioned, coming down with Rias, but the turtle didn't answer, going to his chest and struggling to lift it.

"He's after me chest. That fiendish cyborg and his band of cutthroats along with his bat winged Devil of a nephew. But they'll have ter pry it from ol' Billy Bone's cold dead fingers afore I—." He began to hack and wheeze hard while falling to the ground.

"Dude, don't hurt yourself. We can help," Issei said, Rias helped the man, while Issei grabbed the chest for him, and they helped the man to the Yasakas. Iseei had rolled his eyes. "Sirzechs gonna love this," he muttered.

It had started to rain, and the wind opened the door before Sona could, and the girls gave a scream.

"Rias! What in—?!" Sirzechs cried out, but Issei interrupted.

"He was in the ship that crashed, my lord. He's hurt!" He said as they laid the man on the floor. He continued to take in shaky breaths, and everyone was worried now that this guy may be on his final days. He reached with a shaky hand. "M-Me chest, lass," he croaked to Sona, who had the chest from Rias, who handed it to him. Bones punched in codes, taking out an item covered in a cloth.

"They'll be comin' soon, can't let them find this...can't..." he mumbled in a scared voice. Sona arched her brow.

"Who's coming, sir?" She asked, though she already knew. Sona grunted as Bones pulled her forward by her uniform. "Hey!" Everyone exclaimed as Bones whispered into Sona's ears. "The cyborgs. Beware...the cyborgs..." Bones choked, his eyes drifting shut, drawing his final breath, as he died right there.

Sona had no words, staring down at Bone's dead body, while Yasaka gasped softly. 'What cyborgs? What was Bones talking about?' The Sitri Heiress thought to herself.

Ship engines then rumbled outside, and everyone tensed up, wondering who was outside. Issei peeked open the curtain, seeing a gang of pirates coming right to their door, while the lead pirate Unfolded his wings, which Issei widen recognizing them, they were Devil wings, but will tell the others later.

"We gotta go!" Called out Issei, while everyone felt really confused. "Why?" Kiba cried out. Azazel was about to open the door when a laser fired the handle off, making him yelp, and Kiba immediately saw why, running up the stairs with the others, right as the door exploded to pieces.

They entered the castle and the figure who was leading the pirates saw Billy bones body and the chest emptied.

"Fuck! Find that damn map" the figures ordered. "Even if you have to kill someone!" The crew were looking for the map while killing off the guards of the palace.

Back with the Team.

They reached the top, Sirzechs opening a window and calling down to a strange slug creature pulling a horse carriage. (a gift from a certain person)

Issei glanced back at the coming pirates, then down at the carriage. "We gotta jump!" He cried out. Everyone's eyes popped. "Say what?!" Everyone screamed as they were pulled up to the windowsill.

"Don't worry, Lady Yasaka. I'm an expert in the laws of physical science. On the count of three. One—." Azazel was interrupted by Issei, who pushed them all out. "Thee!"

Everyone screamed along with Azazel as they fell, but somehow landed safely in the carriage without a scratch, Azazel taking up the reins and his steed rode them away to safety, the Castle going up in flames. Issei noticed Yasaka's and Kunou's depressed look, and he looked back, the fire making the castle collapse to the ground.

(Don't worry it'll be rebuilt cause Sky has a certain ability that'll rebuild it later in the story)

"Now what?" Asia asks.

"I have a friend who can help." Azazel spoke, then glanced at the orb for a bit, then back on the road.

Sona unfolds the cloth and reveals a golden orb and examines it a bit.

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