Chapter 3: The Launch and Spider Trouble

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We're all clear, Capteen!" The three Devils heard the lookout call, Amelia nodding to Mr. Arrow for the signal.

"All hands to stations!" He bellowed, causing the crew to rush to their positions while the Devils walked around the deck together.

"Loose all solar sails!"

The three gazed upward in awe as the sails came down, glinting in the sunlight, charging up solar energy for the engines.

'Hmm, not bad, cool ship,' Issei thought, knocking against the wood near the walls of the ship. It felt sturdy enough. But he had a question.

"Girls, if we're going into space with no spacesuits, how are we able to breathe?" He asked in concern, and the girls agreed. But Sky came up to check out the launch as well then put an assuring hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine. The ship has a protective shield that provides its crew members with oxygen," he explained, and the three sighed a little in relief. That was comforting.

They got too close to a crew member who bumped into the three devils.

"Come on!" He growled, and Issei glared. "Yeah, same to you too!" He snapped back, moving back out of the way with Sky and the Girls.

Then the ship began to rise, and the three gasped as the gravity wore off, Sky grabbed Sona by her waist making her blush, finding herself and everybody else floating, until Amelia ordered the artificial gravity turned back on. In just two seconds, Sky and Sona landed on carefully, but Issei collapsed in a heap, but Rias landed on all fours.

"Ugh, darn it my back,"  Issei grunted, wincing as his back was strained, and cracked.

Sky chuckled, helping him to his feet.

"Ummm, thanks?" Issei muttered.

The Legacy took to the air, Issei nearly falling on his back again, but managed to steady himself this time, eyes rounding at the miles and miles of space to explore in front of them. He was totally ready for this!

"Hey, guys! Up here!" Sky called down, and the three turned to see Sky up in the shrouds, the wind blowing in his hair. Grinning, only Sona climbed up after him, and the two of them just gazed out into the stars together. Sona shut her eyes, happiness soaring through her. She felt free up here, free from the struggles against the chaos brigade, etc. It was like she could stay up here forever.

Sky nudged his arm, and opening her eyes, Sona's mouth fell open at the sight of space whales soaring past them.

"B-but, how can it be possible?" She gaped, as one whale came close to them, giving a mournful cry, with Sky gently grabbing her hand, which made her blush and helped her pet it, which it purred, making Sona giggle and Sky smile at her response, before her friends joined and Sky went back to his Uncle.

Delbert and Azazel were just as excited, pulling out a camera. "Upon my word Azazel, an Orcus Galacticus! Smile!"

One whale rolled its eyes as Amelia called out a warning, but too late as the whale squirted Delbert and Azazel with a gooey liquid from its blowhole. But Delbert was able to snap the photo. Issei and Rias chuckled at the sight.

"Ah, tis' a grand day for sailing, Captain," Her smile dropped as she heard Silver's voice from below. She looked down to see him, Sky who joined him and Morph hovering nearby. "And look at ya! You're as trim and as bonny as a sloop with new sails and a fresh coat of paint," He tipped his hat and bowed with a large smile, Sky did the same but tipped his hat.

"You can keep that kind of flim-flammery for your spaceport floozies, Silver," She blatantly told him.

Morph then shape-shifted into Amelia. "Spaceport floozy, spaceport floozy," He mocked, shaking his hips whole. Sky tried not to laugh before Silver covered Morph with his hat and covered Sky's mouth with his hand.

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