Backstory: age 7

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The chapter starts with a Young Sky in his PJs sneaking to go get a book to read.

He snuck past the other crew members but Silver saw the young boy and was curious why he wasn't taking his nap and followed him.

He got to the bookshelf and saw a title called 'Flints Trove' which got the young boys attention.

He grabbed the book and went back to his bed and opened the book, it started to make holograms and the Narrator's voice was speaking. (I mean c'mon he would be a perfect person to do narrations.)

Into the book Silver was impressed on how his young nephew was reading at a young age.

"Sky Silver!" Hedly said who and Torrance came to check on him, while he was on Torrances top.

He quickly shut the book.

"Little buddy, we thought you were sleeping an hour ago." Torrance said.

"Uncles I was getting to the best part." He hugged the book while the duo looked at him sternly.

"Please." Sky asked with puppy eyes, making the duo break.

"Aye, can ye eyes get any bigger." Torrance smiled.

The duo joined him and read the book together.


The Trio finished and sky asked what's Treasure Planet.

"Well lad, it's said to hold the Loot of a Thousand worlds." Hedly answered.

"Is it real?" Sky asked getting a bit sleepy.

"Aye lad tis real" Silver who decided to reveal himself shocking his crew members and his nephew a bit.

"Cool." Sky said.

"Aye, nighty night Sky." Silver said who was about to leave with his crew members. "Love you."

"Love you uncle Silver." Sky says before falling asleep.

The whole crew heard it and held where their hearts were and loved the young pup around.

"Lads, scrap the plan, we're keeping em." Silver announced and the whole crew cheered quietly not wanting to wake the kid.

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