chapter 5: Im still here and The Black Hole

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It was round nighttime, and the devils friends were still at it, but Morph was nice enough to pitch in as a little mop. He turned back into his normal form and coughed out bubbles, making them chuckle.

Issei leaned on his mop. "Well, this had been a fun day, huh? Making new friends, like that spider psycho." He said, making motions with his fingers as the girls nodded. "Yeah, he was courteous enough to take Issei's engagement gift from me," Rias said in a mocking manner. Morph turned into a miniature version of Scroop.

"Spider psycho! Spider psycho!" He squeaked, copying Issei's words, and Rias giggled, smirking. "Little uglier, buddy!"

Morph thought for a minute, then let loose a funny maniacal laugh, making Scroop's eyes pop out. "Pretty close," Sona complimented, while Morph smiled as a comically evil Scroop.

Silver and Sky came up, dumping out the trash over the side. "Thank heaven for little miracles. Up here for an hour, and the deck's still in one piece!" Sky gets a headache while the Devils did as well when Silver said heaven, but three grew suspicious why Sky got one to.

Issei gripped his mop tight, realizing he never thanked the cyborg and his nephew. "Uh, just wanna say thank you for saving my skin, thought I was done for and with Rias's necklace as well, Sky," he mumbled awkwardly. Silver and Sky shrugged in his direction before joining them.

"Didn't yer pap ever teach you to pick your fights a bit more carefully?" Sky asked.

Issei looked away while Rias understood why, and Silver then knew. "Ohh, yer fathers not the teachin sort?" Issei shook his head. "No, he's more of the never seeing as his son sort," he grumbled.

(Reason because his dad thinks he's a pervert which he pretended to until he announces his and Rias's relationship when they get back home)

"And mine's the too busy with trying to force me with wedding contracts sort," said Rias in a soft voice, leaning over the side of the ship, small tears threatening to come again, Making Issei hug her with she returned back.

"Mine...well...never talks to me and always busy with work sort." Sona said about to shed a tear.

Silver and Sky felt their hearts going out for the three, not being able to have a proper family could be a burden. "Sorry, Lad and Lasses," Silver murmured.

The Three shrugged. "Hey," said Jim. "No big deal, we're doing alright."

"Is that so? Well, since the Cap's put you three in our charge, we shall have to pound a few skills into those thick heads of yers to keep you three out of trouble!" He said, tapping Issei on the forehead.

They was astounded. Was he serious?!

"From now on, I'm not letting yeh two out of me sight!" Silver announced, smirking.

"You can't—!" Sona started before being interrupted.

"Yeh thr, e won't so much as eat, sleep, or scratch yer bums without my say so!"

Issei growled. "Well then, don't do us any favors!"

Silver laid a hand on their shoulders. "Oh, you can be sure of that, lad and lasses! You can be sure of that!"

The three now dreaded what kind of tasks Silver had in mind for them, while Sky was laughing.

"Don't think I forgot ye Sky!" Sky then stopped and was in pure dismay, while Issei and Rias smirked, and Sona giggled.

"What the Fu-"

(Play the Song on top)

The next few months involved Silver giving hard cabin boy tasks to Sky, Issei, Rias and Sona, who did their best to do them, even if it left the friends exhausted by the end of the day.

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