Chapter 6: Loss of a friend and a heartfelt speech

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Then, the biggest explosion yet sounded from the black hole, filling up the solar sails, and the ship soared right out of it back into safety. Sona had her eyes shut the whole time until she heard the crew cheering and peeked them open, sighing in relief at no longer seeing that black hole anymore. They were still alive!

Amelia walked over to the five after talking to Delbert and Azazel.

"I must congratulate you, Mr. Silver, it seems your scullery maid a bang-up job with those life lines!" She complimented. Sona smiled, making Sky hug her side making her blush up a storm and feels rather good about herself.

"All hands accounted for, Mr. Arrow? Mr. Arrow?" Amelia called, but the rock man didn't answer or show. Issei swallowed as his rival Scroop walked up, holding Arrow's hat.

"I'm afraid Mr. Arrow has been lossst..." he said in a sad voice.

'What? No! No!' Thought Sona in terror and disbelief, legs trembling.

Scroop gave the girl a steely look. "Hisss lifeline wasss not ssecure..." he hissed accusingly, pissing off Sky

Sona felt everybody glaring at her. Tears burned his vision. He checked them all! Amelia gave the Devil a disapproving stare that shattered her heart, and she ran to the lifelines, staring at the one empty spot. The rope was gone.

"I-I swear, I checked them, I did!" Sona gasped, feeling like her legs were going to not support him anymore. But nobody believed him. Issei and Rias stared at their friend with pity. Silver and Sky noted the triumphant sneer on Scroop's face and knew he was gonna talk to him about this later, while Sky wanted to rip him a new one.

Sona ran, ran to the far side of the ship. She wanted to get away from them, the tears finally coming down.

Once she was out of earshot, a loud sniffle escaped her.

Sona sat down, the sniffling turning into soft crying, hugging herself tightly, hiding her existence from the rest of the universe.

"Sona?" Rias asked carefully, a hand on her shoulder. She didn't look up.

"Gawwh, just go away!" Snapped Sona heatedly, Silver, Sky, Issei also coming over.

"No, you're not. It wasn't your fault!" Issei said. Silver nodded.

"Why, half the crew would be spinnin' in that black abyss if it weren't fer-." Sky tried to say.

Sona sneered her teeth. She didn't care! "Look, I messed up, okay? Just like my whole stupid life, I've failed to make a living! Mr. Arrow died because of me! I don't deserve to live anymore!" She screamed, punching the ship's walls.

Silver wasn't prepared for this statement from the young girl, and he didn't know what to say at first.

"No! Don't even say that, Sona. Do you hear me? Everybody's life matters, especially yours!" Issei snapped back, eyes narrowed.

"Why should I believe you, Hyoudou?" Mumbled Sona thickly before turning away.

Sky decided to step in as he grabbed Sona by the shoulder and turned her around.

"Now, you listen to me, Sona Sitri. Ya lot got the makings of greatness in ya. But ya gotta take the helm and chart your own courses."

A few tears escaped from Sona as Issei and Rias stared at him, touched, and Sky was making her feel better.

"Stick to it, no matter the squalls, and when the time comes, you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of...well..." He looked up to the sky. "I hope I'm there catching some of the light coming off ya that day."

Silver couldn't be more proud of his nephew for saying that speech.

Sona looked up, panting a little as Sky looked down at her. She sniffled and rested her forehead on Sky's just. She sobbed softly. Sky looked a bit nervously, but patted her back. "Las, it's alright, Sona. It's all right," He hugged back. Silver cleared his throat after a few seconds so Sky wouldn't go to deep. He then pushed them both apart. "Now, you three, I, and Sky best be getting about our watch...and you three best be getting some shut-eye." He pushed them to the stairs.

The duo stared after the three as they started to leave. The three glanced back, giving him small smiles. The two waved to them as Rias mouthed 'thank you' and went first with Issei. Sona followed after them, and the two cyborgs smile dropped afterward. Morph joined Silver's and Sky's side.

"Getting in too deep here, Morphy, and Sky," He murmured to the shape-shifter and his nephew. "Next thing ya know, they'll be saying we've gone soft." Morph nuzzled him, causing Silver to let out a chuckle. He rubbed the back of his neck and then left.

"Aye, better not to..." Sky was hesitant at first, but he knew he would always be by his uncles side and wouldn't throw it all away for some girl, but could stop thinking of her.

They didn't notice Scroop had seen the whole thing...

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