Chapter 1: Muirhouse Manor

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The sun shone down on the roof of the mansion as a young woman ascended the grand staircase. She tentatively laid a hand on the door knocker, contemplating going inside.

A mask was covering the top half of her face, one side light red, the other side a darker shade. A golden rim sat at the top of the mask, with small jewels embedded in the corners.

She brought the knocker down on the door twice, but before she could knock a third time, the door opened.

"Ah. You must be Isla," said the man who opened the door. He had a mass of dirty blond curls on top of his head, and a small scattering of freckles across his cheeks. Isla was too taken aback by the extravagant hallway behind the man to acknowledge how he knew her name.

"My name is Jonathan, but you may call me Johnny. You are the first one to arrive, so make yourself at home. Butler!" he called. "Fetch this guest a glass of wine! Assuming you drink wine, am I correct?" Isla nodded in response.

The butler in question revealed herself from behind the door. She bowed her head, her reddish-brown hair swishing from side to side.

Just as quickly as she had arrived, the butler had disappeared to the kitchen.

"Once Willow is back, she can show you to where you'll be staying over the next few days. For the meantime, we shall wait until some of the other guests arrive. I trust that you will enjoy your stay here at Muirhouse Manor."

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