Chapter 6: Music To My Ears

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The last guest approached the door, barely flinching when it swung open immediately.

Her mask was a sort of beige-white, with horizontal black lines running across it. Various musical notes were placed along those lines.

"Scout!" exclaimed Johnny. He ran up and embraced her.

Scout laughed. "It's been a while. How are you?"

He smiled. "Couldn't be better. Come inside and meet the other guests!"

The pair walked into the dining room.

"This is Scout. She's a close friend of mine, who plays the clarinet in the Muirhouse Orchestra."

"You own an orchestra?" asked Isla.

Scout laughed. "He owns a lot of things. He's just modest, that's all."

"Would you like a drink? Everyone can introduce themselves before I show you all which rooms you'll be staying in."

"Yes please. I'll take a glass of wine."

"Butler!" He called, and Willow dashed by him to retrieve the drink.

Scout took a seat at the table, beside a young woman with long blonde hair.

She smiled. "Hey, I'm Shona."

"It's good to meet you."

The rest of the table went around and introduces themselves. Willow came back with the wine and they all started talking and laughing together, about their jobs, their romances, their lives.

The sun was beginning to descend into the clouds through the huge main window.

"I suppose I should show you all to your rooms now, to get unpacked before nightfall."

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