Chapter 10: Meant To Be

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Shona continued to search the mansion. Nothing seemed particularly out of place.

She turned a corner, where she encountered Stella.

She could tell immediately that something was wrong.

"Hey, Stella, are you alright?"

She stood still, barely looking at Shona.

Shona turned around to see where Stella's gaze lay. She stopped.

"Let's... let's tell... the others," she said, shakily, leading Stella by the shoulders away from the body.

They met with the others in the dining room for breakfast, but none of them felt all that hungry.

Shona had told them the news, and Stella had managed to redeem enough of her sanity to talk, but none of them felt like talking.

Even Johnny sat silent at the top of the table.

They all managed at least a mouthful of  pancakes, homemade by Willow in a desperate attempt to lighten the mood.

The guests went about their day, all dealing with the grief in their own ways.

The sun began to set outside, and Shona was stood on the grand balcony.

She took a puff of a cigarette, the smoke blending into the wispy clouds.

She heard footsteps approaching and quickly turned around, but relaxed when she saw who it was.

"What are you doing out here?" asked Stella.

Shona shrugged. "I thought coming to this mansion would give me a break," she sighed, "but it's just proving to be more of a hassle."

"Y'know, I wouldn't really call death just a hassle, but I know what you mean," Stella replied, standing next to Shona on the balcony.

"It's just, I'm scared that everyone here – my new friends – are going to disappear as well. Just like Scout. Just like everyone else I'm close to. Shit, I couldn't even keep a therapist," she laughed half-heartedly, taking another puff of the cigarette.

Stella lay her head on Shona's shoulder. She took the cigarette out of her hand and threw it over the edge of the balcony.

Shona looked at her quizzically.

"It's bad for you."

"As if I haven't heard that a million times. But, if it makes you happy, fine. I'll try."

Stella smiled at those words.

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