Chapter 11: Whispers From The Past

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A slight wind ruffled the net in the middle of the court outside.

Archie served the tennis ball and watched as it bounced to the other side.

"Haven't changed, I see," laughed a voice from behind the fence. "Still playing tennis alone?"

"Oh, come on, Etta. I'm not playing alone, I'm just practicing my serves."

Etta walked onto the court and picked up a racket.

"Well, how good are they?"

Archie grinned. "Get ready to lose."

After a gruelling match, Etta walked defeatedly off the court.

"So, uh, I'm guessing you forgive me?"

"I'm not annoyed at you for winning the match, I already knew you'd beat me."

"No," he laughed. "I mean like, before."

"Oh, that. Yeah. I was never angry at you for that, you know. I knew you wouldn't do anything like that on purpose."

"But, the car crash could've severely injured you! And it almost killed Pinelopi!" he exclaimed.

Etta put a hand on Archie's shoulder. "Look. Pinelopi's fine now. It wasn't your fault. What I am annoyed at you for, however, is cutting off contact for two years!"

"I didn't think you'd ever want to speak to me again!"

Etta laughed. "Now you're just being dramatic." She pulled him into a quick hug. "I'm glad to have you back."

Archie smiled. "You too. I'm glad you're okay."

"We should probably head back inside, it's getting cold and it'll be dinner time soon," Etta said, glancing at the sun beginning to seek refuge behind the hills.

Archie nodded, and the pair walked back inside.

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