Chapter 12: Scribed In Blood

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The remaining guests were all sat around the dining table, having just finished their dinner. Jess the cat was weaving her way between their legs.

"So," Isla began, "shouldn't we try to work out how Scout died? Sorry if this is too soon to talk about, but I'll sleep better tonight once I know what happened to her."

"Yeah, you're right," replied Shona.

"Well, when I saw her there was a... pen through her chest," said Stella quietly. "Nothing like that would happen by accident, don't you think?"

"Unless she tried to kill herself, and the pen was the only thing around," said Archie.

"Yeah, but she was just reunited with her long-lost friend. I don't think she had any reason to do it," Etta added.

They all exchanged a glance, none of them willing to voice what they were all thinking. If it wasn't an accident, and it wasn't Scout herself, it had to be someone in the mansion.

Stella stood up shakily. "I... I think I'll go to bed now."

Shona looked at her, concerned. "Do you want me to walk you up?"

She nodded, and the two of them left the room.

"Well, we should probably head up as well," said Isla.

Etta and Archie agreed.

Willow and Johnny, who's silent presences were barely noticeable at the table, both stood up and offered to escort them all to their rooms.

Willow led Etta up the staircase and ushered her into her room.

When Willow was about to leave, Etta called back a final goodnight. "I'll see you in the morning!"

Willow looked in her direction, but struggled to make eye contact. "Yeah. See you in the morning."

After she left, Etta sat down on her bed. Once again, the small black cat was creeping around her room.

"You again?" Etta laughed. Jess meowed impatiently, rubbing her head against Etta.

"Do you.... need fed or something?"

As she spoke, the lights flickered, just like the night before.

Etta looked around, but decided not to leave her room. It's probably just a coincidence that it happened again, she thought.

It didn't take long for the door to open.

"Hello?" she called into the darkness. "Willow? Johnny?"

She heard soft footsteps coming closer to her, and stood up.

As the figure came closer, not speaking a word, she backed away slowly onto the balcony.

She heard the figure take something from behind it's back.

"Wait... w-what are you doing?! No! STOP!"

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