Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

“I will never deny that life isn't fair. It seems as though when a woman leaves a man she is strong and independent, but when a man leaves a woman he is a pig and a jerk.” 

― Criss Jami

My grandma is having a serious headache, and has gone to her room to rest. I have to cook for both of us. I roam in the spacious kitchen for about half an hour, before I decide what to cook. I lean over the pan, and pour in my concoction of eggs and sardines, hoping that it will at least look edible.

I grab a glass of water, and take a quick drink. It’s hot in here, and I’m sweating.

When I hear the door bell ring, I have no idea what to do. I don’t want to risk burning the food, so I turn off the whole gas cooker.

I hear the door bell ring again. Ugh, patience. I make my way to the door, half expecting it to be Chase or Shae, or even Kelsey. They usually stopped by to say hi once in while.

I swing the door open, and stop midway. Reality turns to slow motion.

The glass cup, which I didn’t notice I was still holding, slips out of my fingers and collides with the ceramic tiles. Glass pieces fly in all direction.

I see him drop to the ground, and he comes back up holding the bigger remains of the glass cup. My head snaps back to what I see before me.  His hair is cut almost bald, and the light reflects his earring. And that’s enough.

Slow motion gone. I close my mouth and bite my lips hard, feeling blood rush to my cheeks as I grow furious. “What are you doing here?”

“Your mom told me about you getting pregnant,” he says casually.

Getting pregnant?” My voice comes as a squeak. “You make it sound like it is something that has to do with only me! Like I randomly order a baby on Amazon and got pregnant!”

“I’m here, right?”

Why are you here?” We are obviously not going to get back together. 

He yells at me. “To tell you, you can’t keep that baby!”

Oh please, tell me something I haven’t heard. My chest rises and falls in annoyance. I have amazing people like my grandma and Chase who are very supportive of me keeping the baby, and then there are others like my mom and Alex. I don’t squander my time responding to that. It takes too much of my patience to not smah the glass I'm  holding in his preppy face.

He takes a step into the living room, and steps closer to me. He even has the audacity.

“Whoa! What are you doing?” I glare at him. “Dude, back off. This is not your property, so I will advise you to leave right now!”

He grimaces. “What? Are you scared of being in the same room with me? I’m not going to touch you.”

“Alex, I mean it. Out!” He doesn’t move. “Okay, just wait for me there,” I glare at him. “And I’ll show you how I roll,” I say firmly. Doing a three-sixty on my heels, I go back to the kitchen.

I return with a knife. A knife.

I extend my arms, and hold it out in front of me, pointing it his direction. “Get out Alex.”

And what is annoying, is that he doesn’t even flinch. He gently drops the glass on the floor and holds his hands up as if in surrender. “I came to see you, but I know when my presence is not welcomed.”

“Why would you want to come see me? Are you stupid? Am I that stupid?” And don’t answer that. “You come here telling me nonsense, and now you’re saying you came to see me?”

“Fine, Delta!" He snapped. "I’m going.”

He turns and goes out the door. I’m about to slam the door behind him, but I don’t. He unlocks the door to his car, when I called after him calmly, “Alex,” he stops, but doesn’t turn around.

“When I say leave," I continue. "I mean I don’t want to ever see you in my life, and if we ever bump into each other, I don’t know you, never met you.” Even though I will be having a baby, and erasing you will be a dilemma. I’ll just have to pretend.

She looks away briefly, then back at me, he half smiles. “You know, I kinda still like you, and even more with the power in your voice and all that. Damn, you've changed—”


 “Alex, go!”

He gets in his car, and drives off. Reluctantly.


“What are you doing right now?” Chase asks over the phone. I was lying in my bed with my computer, on Pinterest. I have been in this position for the past two hours. Internet can be addicting.

“Nothing much. Why?” 

“Okay, good. ‘Cause I’m on my way to your house?” He says with a smile in his voice. I closed my eyes and imagined him smiling.

I paused before answering. “What for?”

“I’m having a party over at my place. And my sister-in-law wants to meet you.”

Not happening. “No,” I said the single word surely.

His tone shifted, almost shocked at my blunt response, “What? Why is that the answer I always get?” I could hear the hurt in his voice, if only he understood.

“Chase that is because you don’t know me… I’m not going to the party, just make a U-turn wherever you are now and go back, you have a party to kick.”

“Come on, please.”

“Nope, short notice.”

“Is it because..... Will you at least show up?”

“I don’t know. I can't stand doing normal teen stuff while I'm there...well looking pregnant. People will stare and  judge. Bye, Chase. Have fun.” I hang up, and sucked in a deep breath.


Aww she just turned him down...


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