Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." 
― Marilyn Monroe (Sorry for the popular cheesy quote but still good.)

When I went into the house, I found my grandma and mom sitting at the dining table talking. When they caught sight of me, they immediately stopped and stared at me. What?  I shook my head in question. Were they talking about me?

"Come get something to eat, honey," Grandma said, pulling out a chair for me. I looked to the table. Mom cooked that? I wanted to ask, but kept the thought to myself. It looked good, and I had sure forgotten that the woman knew how to cook. I remember when I was a kid, then she used to cook all the time, but then gradually she got lazy and busy. And soon we would just order dinner.

I sat down and quietly put a piece of chicken into my mouth. It had no taste, I felt like spitting it out. My eyes made contact with my mom's and I saw her face fall. She opened her mouth to say something, but just closed it back and kept eating.  An awkward silence hung between us.

I pushed my plate to the side and got up.

"Are you okay, honey? Do you not like the chicken?" Grandma asked.

"I'm fine. I think I've lost my sense of taste though. I heard that happens when you're preggo. I don't feel... " I shook my head.

"Is it that boy?" Mom spoke. I looked back at her. Since we'd gotten back from the hospital, she and I hadn't exchanged any words, and I'd hoped it would stay that way. By "that boy" I didn't know if she was referring to Chase or Colton. But since Chase was just here I assumed it was him.

"There's nothing wrong with Chase. I just did something stupid..."

"Well you better go get that straightened out," was the only advice grandma gave me, and I took that as my cue to leave.

I went up to my room and logged on to my online class. I tried my best to keep Chase out of my thoughts, but he kept coming back.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number, but then dropped it, and picked it back up again. I'll call him later. This time I decided to call Colton.

"Hey, Delta," he said with a smile in his tone.

"Hey, Colton. I got home and I'm fine. I don't know...but you wanna hang out?"

Fifteen minutes later, Colton was sitting on my bed flipping through a teen's magazine. "Jennifer Smith, Edgen Hillman, who are all these people? I am supposed to know them?"

"I swear you've been living under a rock. They show them all the time on TV, even on international channels. They're started up their own organization with their rich parents' money of course, and now they're famous for it."

"Sounds like the Kardashian's . See I know who those people are," he said in mock pride.

"Well, I'm proud of you, son," I said looking up at him, then we both burst out laughing.

When the laughter died Colton asked, "Are you dating Chase?"

I looked up; they really do know each other. "Nope, Chase and I used to be...we're friends. He was the first person I met when I came Rayfield a couple months ago. He hit my car actually on my way to Grandma's house, and then the next day when I went to the hospital with grandma she introduced us and we just became friends." I didn't notice I was smiling the whole time, until Colton started smiling back.

"Wow, you really like him don't you?" I frowned in response. No, whatcha talking about? "It's funny cause he used to date my sister, but then they broke up."


"Yeah? You've met her? Oh, that's a stupid question; if you've been here for a couple months you'd have met her."

I didn't know what to say without sounding insulting. "That's your sister, Nicole? Wow, you guys are nothing alike. You're really nice, and she's just..."

"Well...step sister. I don't like her that much either. I think she got her bitchness from her mom," he said laughing. I laughed to, but not too hard cause I know what it means to have a mom like that. We kept on talking and I learned a lot about Colton. He was a freshman in college, and used to wear braces as a kid. He lived with his dad in Scotland, which explains his messed up accent; not quite American, but not totally British either. It was fun seeing him struggle with trying to pronounce things the "right" way.

The sun was setting when I walked Colton out the door. My mom had left, and my grandma was watching a TV show.

"Whoa, it's so beautiful out here." The suns had cast a shade of orange and pink. Colton pulled out his phone and came up behind me, hugging me from behind. "What are you doing?" I turned.

He turned me back around. "Let's take a selfie." It was a pretty picture, with the sun behind us. I kinda wished I was talking this picture with Chase instead... but that was selfish thinking. Colton deserved my friendship. "Thanks for saving my life, Colton. I would have bleed out there and died if you hadn't come by. I don't know if I can ever pay you pack." My eyes moistened with emotions. Ugh, damn tears!

"Hey, it's okay. It's what I could do; don't feel like you ever need to pay me back, okay?" He gave me a hug and got into his car.

I waited till the next day to call Chase. He picked up and said, "hello," but I was tongue-tied. "Hello, Delta, are you there?"

"Yes. Chase, I just wanna say I'm sorry for the way I talked to you yesterday. You're right, I was just insecure and scared, and deep down I didn't want you to go. Forgive me?"

"Yes. Let's just blame it on the hormones. So..." he dragged his letters. "Is there something else I was right about?"

I sighed before saying, "You were right, I think I do like you. No, I like you a lot, actually."

"Nailed it! Would you like to go out to dinner with me at—" Men, this dude is quick. 


"Uh, Delta, you hurt me anytime you say no," he says dramatically.

"No public dates, okay? If you can come up with somewhere else then yes."

He lets of air in relief. "Sweet, Saturday at 6:30 I'll come get you." He paused before saying, "I'm glad you let me kiss you yesterday. Think you'll let me do it again?"

I closed my eyes and chuckled, "Oh, my god. Good night, Chase."

He laughed, " Good night, babe," then hung up.

I sat there staring at my phone in my with a smile playing on my lips.  Did he just say "babe?"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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