Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"...So enjoy, endure, survive each moment as it comes to you in its proper sequence -- a surprise.” 
― Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Chase waited where the nurse told him to. Last night when Delta had left his house, he had gone back upstairs to get the keys to his brother’s Hilux. His eyes met with Nicole’s, and he didn’t know whether to tell her to leave of just strangle her on the spot. Wow, how hadn’t he known that she was such a bitch while they were dating? He’d obviously been dating the fake her.

“Hey, Chase, what—“ She began to say, but when he just walked past her, she shut up.

He explained to his brother’s wife that he’d be right back. He didn’t bother telling her or anyone else the details—they wouldn’t have understood.

Chase drove at the speed limit to Delta’s house, the whole while thinking that he’d made her mad. He closed his eyes for a brief second, seeing the tears that she’d tried wiping away when she was walking out the door. Maybe he shouldn’t have invited her to the party…

When he arrived at Delta’s house, he knocked on the door several times with no answer. He thought she was just ignoring him, but then her grandma finally answered, informing him that Delta wasn’t home yet. Chase heart sank in his chest, and he told her what had happened at his house and how Delta left.

“Oh, I’m sure she’ll be here soon, if nothing happened,” her grandma somewhat reassured him. If nothing happened… That bothered him. What if something did happen? He wanted to drive to Kelsey, Shae and Max’s house to see if she might be there, but they were all at his party. Where could she have been?

An hour later, after driving around Rayfield, he found out why. He was on the Third Main Street when his phone rang. It was an unknown number, but he eagerly picked the call. He got informed by the Rayfield Medical Centre that Delta was being hospitalized after an accident. Chase didn’t realise how worried he was until now. His heart was beating fast in his chest.

At the hospital they told both him and Delta’s grandma to return tomorrow morning, because no one was allowed to see her yet. Chase became worried that she’d lost her baby.

He hadn’t realised how much he cared about her until that night after the party was over and he lay in bed. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. He wished she hadn't walked away like she did. She was so not perfect, but she was still a beautiful person.

Now, the next morning, Chase waited where the nurse told him too. He was nervously cracking his fingers, when a beautiful lady in came in and took a seat beside him. He didn’t want to be rude and stare, but he was a guy, and couldn’t deny that fact that she was hot. She had on a red dress and high heels.

“Hey.” Was she talking to him? Chase turned and looked at her, their eyes meeting. Then it hit him. She looked just like an older version of Delta, just that the colour of their hairs were different. She had blonde hair, instead of the deep blue Delta had. It must be Delta’s older sister, but Delta had never mentioned her. She never talked about her immediate family, and Chase never asked either.

“Hey,” Chase said back to her. “Are you Delta’s sister?”

She laughed heartily at him and he was confused, but she didn’t answer him.

Just then the nurse came and led them to the room Delta was admitted in. He walked in first, and stopped at the door. Delta had her head back laughing. She looked to beautiful when she smiled, and that was rare. Her blue hair fell across her face as looked up at him. Her eyes brighten when she saw him, and that made his heart flutter, and a smile crossed his lips.

His smile soon disappeared though. Beside Delta, holding her left hand in his was someone he recognised. He’d met him only twice, but still remembered his name. Colton. Nicole had introduced him about six months ago as her step brother. What was he doing her with Delta? Did she know who he was? Do they know each other? But that can’t be. His eyes dropped to where their hands were connected, and he felt a pang of jealously. His ego told him he should be the one holding her hand, not Colton.

In the brief second where he entertained his thoughts Delta’s smile had apparently disappeared too. She was staring behind him. That’s when he remembered the lady that wasn’t Delta’s sister.

“Mom, what are you doing here?” Delta asked, her face suddenly stone hard.




Hey there thanks for reading so far! Comment what you think of this chapter! Also VOTE. I appreciate it!

Thanks to @azaria_singer for being awesome, I'm dedicating this chapter to you! :)

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