Chapter Twelve

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I have decided to continue with this story since I am on break, even if it's only one person reading So here we go...


Chapter Twelve

“[They] exist outside of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations; they're antithetical to the poetry of fear.” 
― Stephen King

It was hard to focus on the road as I rerun the scene of the evening in my head. I didn’t know how exactly to feel. Tears were threatening to start flowing. I was mad and happy at the same time. Mad at myself and at Nicole. Mad at myself because I shouldn’t have gone to the party in the first place; I shouldn’t have gone downstairs; and I shouldn’t have been listening to Nicole’s lame conversation. But I was glad that I was able to speak what was on my mind. She couldn’t look down on me like that just because I was pregnant; after all she’s been in the same situation. Our decisions about what to do with the babies in us are what make the difference. I am tempted to think that my case is better because I didn’t cheat and then get pregnant, but at the end of the day it didn’t matter how we go pregnant. Alex…

I broke out of my pensive moment when a driver continued to honk impatiently. I moved to one side of the road to let them over take.

I don’t know what Chase thinks of me now. Whatever little respect he had for me must be nonexistent by now. I clearly picture the shock in his face when I was speaking to Nicole, especially when I mentioned him being open for her. Oh, my life is such a mess… I felt a tear trail down my cheek. I think I have cried in the last six months than I have in the past 16 years…

My phone rings four times, and I ignore each call, knowing it’s probably Chase calling, but not bothering to know for sure. I wasn’t prepared for what he might say, and didn’t have an explanation for what just happened.

I slow down and drive at a slow steady pace, watching the trees and building blur before my eyes. I hear another loud honk behind me, but decide to ignore it. Why were all the drivers in a bad mood today, or am I just being pessimistic? If you like fly over… I look in the review mirror and see the large truck following closely behind me. I picked up my speed only to see that the driver speeds also.  My heart starts to beat faster, as I see that he’s about to overtake and this speed on a narrow road. Before I could slow down, I felt and hear the screeching sound of the truck brushing and bumping into my small Camry. I saw my side mirror snap off, and I began to slide off the road. I struggled to have control on the wheel. Making a sharp U-turn, I unsuccessfully stay on the stay on the road. I felt my body jerk, and my forehead crashes onto the wheel. I see the tree I ran into, and feel a sharp pain coming from my abdomen before everything goes black…


Standing at the edge of the road, I waved my arms in the air, trying to get someone’s attention. The cars sped past, disappearing in a blur. No one bothered to even slow down; it’s like I was invisible to the rest of the world. My eyes feel on my stained hands, and I looked down to see a pool of blood at my feet. I saw another car approaching, and screamed, “PLEASE HELP! Stop please, help me,” but like the other cars before it, it kept going. Tears began to flow freely at the thought that I was going to bleed to death and die here.

I was more conscious of the life inside of me dying than of my dying. No innocent child deserved to die so painfully before even reaching the world. So, I decided I wouldn’t give up. Couldn’t.

I continued shouting, until suddenly I couldn’t hear myself again. I felt my mouth move, but everything was deadly silent. I shook my head, rubbed my ears. Then I heard laughter behind me like a very distant echo. I looked back, but couldn’t see anything except my car lying damaged on the side, and the bush behind it some feet away. Was I already death, on my way to heaven? But the laughter grew closer and closer, and sounded nothing like heaven. At least I don’t think so; it was as if someone was laughing at me.  I looked around and began to panic and run up and down the road on my weak, almost bloodless feet. I heard my name and turned around.

I gasped when I saw someone holding a knife to my middle. I couldn’t see the person’s face. My eyes weren’t able to look above their neck. The laughter ceased, and I realised what was about to happen and yelled, “Please don’t kill my baby! PLEASE!” I still couldn’t hear myself, and only hoped that the person couldn’t hear me.

The fresh tears that ran down my cheeks were hot and acidic, seeming to burn my skin. But that pain was nothing compared to the stab I felt in my middle.

My shrieked pierced the quiet, lonely night.


My own shriek startled me to an upright position. I opened my eyes to a brightly lit place, and came face to face with a stranger. My eyes widened as I looked right into his sympathetic eyes. My eyes dropped, and I saw big hands holding my right hand. I was oblivious to everything around me, only what I focused on. I blinked twice and jerked my hand away quickly, startling him. A tube was attached to my hand, with a needle in a vein, and a bandage wrapped around the area.

His mouth half opens and he pull his hand away and steps away for me. When I saw him for the first split seconds I thought he was Chase, but I was mistaken. Looking at him now I saw that he seemed older than Chase, had brown hair, and hazel eyes.

“Sorry,” he said, looking back my hand, and them back at me. “You started crying, and then…and them you had this pained look on your face.”

I touch and cheeks and felt that they were damp. Even then a tear escaped and ran down the side of my eye. My mind snaps back to what I had woken to, and the memories hit me hard. The blood, the cars, the laughter, the silence, the voice, the knife, the tears, my shriek—my shriek; I heard and saw everything clearly in my mind I was reluctant to dismiss it as a dream. However I told the stranger, “It was just a dream,” those were the first words I spoke and I was relieved to hear my voice.

“What was it abou—“ he started to ask before stopping himself and biting his lips. The sympathy returned to him warm eyes. “Never mind, it wasn’t real. You’ll be alright, Delta.”

I blinked in shock again. He knew my name. Who was this stranger—a serial killer in disguise, an angel, Jesus? “Who are you?” I asked. He smiles, and my heart about skips a beat at how closely he resembled Chase again. I lay my head back gently on a pillow, and take in the room we were in. My sense returned gradually, noticing the tiled floors the white bed sheets, the drip attached to my hand. How had I gotten here? I closed my eyes, and the scene from the nightmare boldly appears. I vigorously opened my eyes, only to see him looking at me panicked. “Should I get the nurse?”

“No. Who are you?” I asked again.

He sighed. “I’m Colton.” When he saw my confused look, he added, “You probably don’t know me ‘cause I don’t know you either.”


Next Chapter will be Chase's point of view! We'll see how that goes.

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