Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

“Unseen in the background, Fate was quietly slipping lead into the boxing-glove.” 
― P.G. Wodehouse, Very Good, Jeeves!

The next morning, I stand in front of the dresser glaring at my now too tight jeans. I closed my eyes, pressing my lips together, sucking in, and after a hard struggle I manage to pull the zipper up.

Mom walks in…wearing flats.

“Are you okay, honey?” She puts her hand on my forehead.

I move away from her touch and sit on the bed. “I’m fine,” I look at her weirdly. Why is she being nice?

Is this the moment where she will say she’s sorry for everything that happened yesterday, that it was all a mistake? That she was maybe just drunk? That I am the reason why she draws oxygen, and that she’ll let me keep the baby and live with her?

She doesn’t say anything. I glance at her, and see her mouth dropped, a look of horror across her face. Then I look down at the dirction of her view, to see the mushroom forming over my jeans, and pull my shirt down.

She inhales sharply, “Oh my god, you’re getting fat!”

“....I know.”

And that's all she says, and walks out. No request for forgiveness.

I go downstairs for breakfast, and find Kevin there sitting next to mom. He calmly says hi, and I just stand there.

We are all having breakfast, together? The mom who forced me to leave her house because she won’t keep up with a baby, and the grandma who accepted me. And Kevin? The boyfriend of the woman whose name spells d-a-n-g-e-r.

“Delta, sit. We are all going to eat together.”

Like that’s totally normal. Yes, I’ll have butter with that! “Your mom is letting you stay.” I am thrilled at this announcement. I look to Mom, and she pastes a cheesy grin. Grin? She’s happy that I’m not under her roof anymore. “But,” Grandma continues, “You will have to continue school somehow.”

“Online courses,” my mom adds. How fun.

“Mom,” I want to object, tell her I don’t need school, but they all turn in unison to look at me, waiting. I take a deep breath, “You need to fix the broken window,” I end up saying randomly.


Mom brought my things to Ray Field finally, and left immediately after she dropped them. Not that I really wanted her to stay, but it hurts me that she doesn't seem to care.

After sorting things out and shaping my new room, I sat on the floor with a hip of clothes around me. The room is plain, and needs more breaking in. I sat there under the fan, searching for all the baggy clothes I have owned in my lifetime.

My phone rings, and standing lazily, I reach to pick it on the bed.  Unknown number. “Hello?”


“Hello, who is this?”

“It's Chase. Your grandma introduced us the other day at the hospital.” Awkward silence. “I know we meet only once, well twice, but I called to ask if you wanted to join some friends, and get to know them. We’re going to be hanging out by the lake Saturday night.”

“Oh, that’s cool,” I try to be polite, “But sorry I can’t make it.”

“And why’s that?”

Do I owe him a reason? “Umm…see I have this asthma thing, and I don’t like being in the cold water.” The truth is more like I’m pregnant and can’t wear a bikini.

“Oh, that’s okay. You don’t have to swim; you can just hang out on the beach. I have some friends who won’t be swimming, either.”

“I’m sorry, but really—“

“You can’t turn me down just like that,” he said with an innocent tone, which got me smiling. Can I really do this? Well, why not? It's only a few hours, right?

“Ok, fine, whatever.” Did I just agree to go to the beach with a bunch of random people? No, I can’t imagine the disappointment and shock they’ll have when they hear about me. And Chase… He seems to think that I am a normal new girl.

“Thanks, Delta. I think I can find you grandma’s house. It'll be fun, promise.”

If only he knew. I miss being a normal kid, not that I had much of normality living with Mom. But I miss being not pregnant. I snap the phone shut, and belly flop on the bed.

My last belly flop in a long while to come.


So Chase invited her to the lake party!

What do you think is gonna happen at the party?


+Commet your thoughts!

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