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IT WAS COLONEL Ray Schoonover's turn to testify today, and Elena wasn't too sure what to expect

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IT WAS COLONEL Ray Schoonover's turn to testify today, and Elena wasn't too sure what to expect. This man had worked with Frank, he was his commander during his army days. It could go either way, his testimony could either paint Castle as some war hero, or totally diminish him. Elena couldn't help but hope it would be the latter. She was growing antsy with this trial, she had too many things on her mind. She hadn't heard from her mother, even though she'd texted and asked for updates. Elena wasn't sure whether it was pure spite or genuine forgetfulness.

"Colonel Ray Schoonover, United States Marine Corps," the policeman at the stand said, bringing Elena's attention back to the trial at hand. Pay attention, Elena. Don't let Reyes see you all distracted!

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

"I do," the colonel said. Elena's dark eyes landed on him for a moment, before she discreetly turned her head to look over at the defense. Matt Murdock wasn't there. That was interesting. He had been the one who seemed to have wanted this case the most back at the hospital. What was so important that he wouldn't be here to see it through? Elena decided not to dwell on it, she didn't really care, anyway. He probably had some weird thing to do. He was always weird.

The colonel sat down, and the judge turned her attention to the defense, too. She raised her eyebrows expectantly at Foggy. He definitely looked nervous. Elena almost felt sorry for him. The glaring issue of being her opponent prevented her from sympathy towards him. "Counselor?" the judge asked.

Foggy rose from his seat and walked towards the centre of the room, and Elena could've sworn that he gulped. She glanced over at Karen, who looked equally nervous. Frank Castle, however, was sat there looking as nonchalant as ever. Like it wasn't his life up for contention.

"Colonel, how long have you known the defendant?" Foggy asked.

"I'd say the better part of a decade. Most of his career in the Marine Corps."

"So you're familiar with his service in the Middle East? Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran?" Foggy questioned.

"Yes, very familiar."

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