part sex + won (7)

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A/n: bbbbbbbbaaaaaaauuugghhhhhuu

A day later, you walk to the forest as usual, hopeful that maybe things have changed between you and once. In a good way.

However, as you enter the once-thriving woodland, a sense of devastation engulfs you. The lush greenery and vibrant life you once knew have been replaced by desolation and destruction. It's a grim reminder of what has been lost.

Shaking off the sadness that threatens to consume you, you make your way to Onceler's almost finished factory. The towering structure stands as a testament to his ambition and the cost it has incurred. With a heavy heart, you enter the building, hoping to find solace or a glimmer of the once-caring Onceler.

As you reach his office, you brace yourself for the encounter. But the Onceler you find is not the same person who filled your days with love and affection. He is cold, distant, and entirely focused on his work. His eyes are glued to the plans and documents before him, his attention consumed by his business affairs.

The sight infuriates you. How can he be so indifferent, so oblivious to your presence and the emotions that once bound you together? Frustration builds within you, and you can't help but let it spill out in a torrent of furious words.

"Once, do you love me?" you ask. "I know we had fun yesterday but, you've been so focused on work and yourself only. Yesterday was probably the longest time we've spent together in a while. I don't really recognize you anymore. And the trees, almost all of them are gone. Why didn't you replant the trees?!"

He rolls his eyes dismissively, a display of indifference that only serves to fuel your anger. He tries to defend himself, blaming it all on the demands of his work, but you're not willing to accept that as an excuse.

Days pass, and the divide between you grows wider with each passing moment.

Finally, unable to bear the distance and the pain any longer, you gather your strength to confront him one last time. You enter his presence with a determination to end things, to sever the ties that have become frayed and broken.

"I think we need to—" you start, your voice filled with disappointment, only to be interrupted by his sudden movement. He looks at you with wide eyes, his face filled with panic and desperation. Without hesitation, he rushes towards you, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace.

 Without hesitation, he rushes towards you, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace

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"Please, Y/n, don't go," he pleads, his voice filled with genuine anguish. "I've been so stupid... you mean everything to me. I can't bear the thought of losing you. I need you!"

You push him away and take a few steps back, saying firmly, "Once... no." He grunts and returns to his chair like nothing happened. Confusion fills your face as you furrow your eyebrows, realizing what he's insinuating.

"Are you telling me that was all an act?" you ask, your tone laced with disbelief.

"Fuck you too then," you grunt in frustration. He looks up at you, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "What?" he says.

"I said 'fuck you.' It shouldn't come as a shock since you clearly don't care about me," you say angrily. "It's over, Once." You storm off, but before you can fully escape, you hear him plead, "But--"


The next day and you look outside, noticing it's raining. You hear a knock on your door and make your way downstairs, You open the door and rub your eyes. Your eyes widen when you see The Onceler, drenched because of the rain.

"what are you doing here." You ask with a mix of tiredness and annoyance in your voice. "I'm.. sorry?" He hesitates, you stare at him and furrow your eyebrows, "No." You grumble.

He looks at you disappointed, "Listen, Y/n.. I'm so-" You interrupt him, "Please don't begin with your bullshit, Onceler." You try to close the door but he stops you by putting his foot in between the door and the door frame. "Onceler, that's enough" you grumble. "Why are you calling me that." You hear his voice start to shake.

"Calling you what.." you ask him, "By my real name." He replies and opens the door. "You usually call me 'Once'" he says. He looks at you with a look of shame on his face, "please.." he begs and reaches for your hand, you back away, "Can you go back to your dumb factory?" You sigh. "I need you, please." He begs. "You said that yesterday, how should I be able to trust you after what you did."

"I was just nervous.." he lies, "Oh? Really?" You say, pretending to care. "Yeah.." he says, clearly lying. "I don't care!" You yell at him.

He takes a step back, "PLEASE!!! " He bursts into tears, and struggles to stand. Your eyes widen and you watch him struggle to talk, he tries to explain why he did what he did but is slurring his words.

(I've been obsessed with 'is there someone else?' by the Weeknd BROOO THE "is there someone else I'm not, cuz I wanna keep u close, I don't wanna lose my spot" IS MAKING ME CUM)

You feel guilt washing over you but remember this could just be an act. "I know you're just acting, just stop..." You say and let out an annoyed groan. "Y/n... I don't.." He starts getting more desperate, he places his hands on your cheeks and pulls you closer, he doesn't kiss you, he just wants to show you how desperate he is to have you back.

" He starts getting more desperate, he places his hands on your cheeks and pulls you closer, he doesn't kiss you, he just wants to show you how desperate he is to have you back

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"Please... Y/n I..." He calms down and shakes his head, "Nevermind.." he says disappointed and lets go of you. He wipes his tears away and takes a few steps back. "You can just close the door." He says, obviously trying to make you feel bad. You go closer to him and furrow your eyebrows, "You know what." You start, you point at him aggressively.

"that's enough, this whole fucking act.." you start, he looks at you, his eyes widen. "It's... It's not cool." You relax your face and let out a sigh. "Act or not, I don't care." You grumble.

"Y/n, I'm serious." He says, he looks at your desperately.

The rain stops.

"I .." he hesitates. "What?" You let out.

"I think I, love you?" He says, your eyes widen.

"Ew, why did he say it so.."


"Don't call me that."

He furrows his eyebrows, "so?" He waits.

"I don't know, Once." You reply, "just.. give me time." You grumble and go back inside your house. When you close the door you see him looking at you, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes. You make eye contact, probably for the last time ever.

A/N: spoiler, not the last time.

The Once-ler x Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now