bonus: the flu?!

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Y/n woke up to a pounding headache, achy joints, and a sore throat. They tried to move, but their body felt heavy and sluggish. They let out a cough, and it sounded harsh and raspy.

"What's wrong, honey?" The Onceler asked, noticing their discomfort.

"I don't feel good," Y/n said, their voice weak.

The Onceler placed his hand on their forehead. "You're burning up. You must have the flu," he said, with a frown.

Y/n groaned, knowing how miserable the flu could be. They had experienced it before, and it was never pleasant. "I think you're right," they said, sniffling.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you," the Onceler said, reassuringly. He got out of bed, went to the kitchen, and returned with a glass of water and some pain relievers. "Take these. They'll help with the fever and headache," he said, handing them the medicine.

Y/n took the pills, grateful for his care. They lay back down and close their eyes, feeling absolutely drained.

The Onceler sat beside them, stroking their hair gently. "Just rest, okay? I'll make you some soup and bring it to you in bed," he said.

Y/n smiled weakly, appreciating his concern. "Thank you," they whispered, before drifting off to sleep.

The Onceler got to work, making some chicken noodle soup. He diced onions, carrots, and celery and cooked them in a pot with some chicken broth. He added some cooked chicken and noodles and seasoned it with salt and pepper. The aroma filled the air, and he knew it would make Y/n feel better.

He brought the soup to the bedroom, where Y/n was still sleeping. He set it on the bedside table and sat down beside them. "Wake up, sleepyhead.." he said, gently shaking her.

Y/n groaned, feeling as if they had been hit by a truck. "Ugh, I'm so tired," they said, rubbing their eyes.

"I made you some soup. It will help you feel better," the Onceler said, passing them the bowl.

Y/n took a sip, and the warm liquid soothes their throat. They ate slowly, savoring the taste. The Onceler watched them with concern, making sure they finished every last drop.

"I love you so much, thank you." Y/n said, smiling at him.

The Onceler smiled back, feeling happy that he could take care of them. "Anything for you, my love," he said, kissing their forehead.

They spent the rest of the day cuddled together, watching movies and relaxing. The Onceler made sure Y/n had plenty of fluids and medicine to keep them comfortable.

He didn't care that they were sick, he'd still hold them close and kiss them on the cheek.

"Hey, uhm, sorry if I make you sick.." Y/n says, The Onceler chuckles, "I don't care if I get sick, I'm just happy to be able to take care of you," he replies.

Y/n felt a surge of warmth in their chest, knowing how lucky they were to have someone like the Onceler in their life. They snuggled closer to him, feeling grateful for his love and care.

As the days went by, Y/n slowly began to feel better. Their fever subsided, and their cough became less frequent. The Onceler continued to take care of them, ensuring they had everything they needed to recover fully.

Eventually, Y/n regained their strength and energy. They felt like themselves again, ready to tackle whatever the world threw their way. But they knew that if they ever fell ill again, they had someone who would always be there to care for them.

And that was the most comforting feeling in the world.

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