Chapter 4

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Asahi looked at Koushi's face. They decided to go to a fast food, because it was a crowded place and they could talk without the fear of someone eavesdropping on their conversation. The grey-haired boy was drinking a coke and eating some fries, his expression really sad. Asahi bit his sandwich without looking away from Koushi, who sighed heavily when he put his drink down.

"Can I ask you what happened today? You usually keep your cool and don't yell like that." Asahi said.

Koushi sighed again, then replied: "I broke up with Daichi."

The ace almost choked on his own coke and started coughing. Then he widened his eyes and asked loudly: "You did what?!"

"Ssh, Asahi! Don't shout, please." Koushi said, panicking.

"Oh, sorry, Suga. But why did you break up with him? You waited for three years to get with him."

"I know, Asahi. But yesterday I asked him again to come to my house for dinner, and he said no... again. We had never gone on a date in two months, we only saw each other during classes and volleyball, and the only times we had kissed were when we parted ways to go home." the setter said, starting to cry for that awful situation. "I still love him from the bottom of my heart, but what kind of relationship is something like that? I'll tell you, that is not a relationship!" Koushi's sobs were getting worse, as he tried to wipe away his tears with his hands.

"I feel sorry for you, Suga. Do you want to tell me what happened earlier?" Asahi asked.

"It was since morning practice that he was asking me if we could talk, but we broke up yesterday and I didn't want to talk to him. And when he got mad because I planned to come here with you, I lost it and snapped. And now I've hurt him. Did you see his face, Asahi?" Koushi replied, feeling guilty.

"So, do you regret your choice to break up with him?"

"Of course I do! But as I always come after volleyball and school, I won't apologise to him. At least not now." the grey-haired boy replied, then he looked into the ace's eyes and said: "But we came here for your love problems, not for mine. Is your trouble called Nishinoya?"

The long-haired boy blushed violently, then said: "Yes, it's him. How did you know?"

"Are you kidding me? You're always staring at him."

"Is it really so obvious?"

"Yes, it is. When did it start? Or when did you become aware of it?"

Asahi thought about it for a while, staring at his sandwich, then he sighed and replied: "I think it started during his first game with us, or even during our first practice together. He's so cool when he receives the ball. And it broke my heart when we had that fight, after we lost against Date Tech. He was so pissed, I've started to think he hated me. I thought you all hated me. That's why I skipped practice for a month."

"To be honest, I was hating myself for that game. It was my fault, I put too much pressure on you." Koushi said. "But since you both came back, you two are good friends. Have you ever tried to talk to Nishinoya and confess to him?"

"Are you kidding me, Suga? He is straight, he loves Kiyoko. If I confess to him, he will hate me for sure." Asahi said, with fear in his eyes.

"Are you sure about it? He's always ready to help you, and he wants to become even more reliable to watch your back during games."

"I told you, Suga. He loves Kiyoko and sees me only as a good friend. Have you seen his face when he talks about her? His eyes sparkle!" the tall boy replied, running a hand through his untied hair. They both sghed and drank in silence for a bit.

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