Chapter 8

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The day after, Hinata and Kageyama's freak quick kept getting blocked, and the little redhead's frustration kept growing. After bumping into Asahi in mid-air, unconsciously trying to hit a toss directed to the ace, he took an important decision.

"Kageyama. During our quick, I won't close my eyes anymore." Shouyou's sudden words attracted everyone's attention. "If I want to get better, I'll have to stop leaning on your precision, and learn how to fly on my own. Otherwhise, nothing will ever change."

Something clicked in the entire Karasuno Volleyball Club. Everyone had been thinking the same thing for a while, only Tsukishima thought the opposite. They knew they would have to improve their own skills, in order to become a better and stronger team. Tobio and Shouyou had a quarrel, and coach Ukai decided to keep the little middle blocker out of the court for the time being, trying to avoid him to attempt a play which wouldn't work and to avoid other incidents. Yuu was with his teammates in the shared room to pack his belonging to get ready to go back home; the atmosphere was quite heavy, and none of them was talking. Everyone was thinking about what he could do to improve, and they were silent even during the trip back to Miyagi. As always, coach Ukai held a meeting and, once it was done, they gathered in the clubroom to say their goodnight. Yuu was still lost in his thoughts, when a voice pulled him back to the present.

"Suga, can I talk to you?" Asahi called out, his tone serious.

"Yes, sure. What's up?" Of course, Koushi already knew what was going to happen.

"I'm sorry, Suga. But I can't continue with our relationship."

"Eh? Why?" The grey-haired boy's surprise was sounding genuine.

"Because I came to the conclusion that I like you more as a friend, than as a boyfriend. Also, I'm in love with someone else. So I'm breaking up with you, because I don't want to hurt you more than I'm doing right now."

"Oh... I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I completely understand. But why did you confess to me, if you love someone else?"

"I was hoping to forget this person, as they already like someone else, but it didn't work. I'm really sorry, Suga."

Yuu raised his head from his bag and looked at his sempais. Confused, he looked around the clubroom to see if everyone else was as confused as him, but he noticed that all the first-years and some of the second-years had already disappeared. The only occupants in the room were the three third-years, Ryu and himself, and they were looking at the older boys with the same dumbfounded expression.

"That's quite unfair, but I would lie if I'd say I'm not in love with someone else myself. I understand your feelings, Asahi." The tall ace widened his eyes, faking surprise.

"Eh? Who are you in love with?"

The setter turned towards Daichi, who was genuinely confused by this extra step in their plan. "Sawamura Daichi, I am in love with you." He bowed before his captain. "Please, go out with me."

That night, after a well-needed shower, Yuu laid on his bed without being able to fall asleep. His phone buzzed with a message, and he opened it.

From Bro, 9:10 pm: Well, that was surprising, wasn't it? Suga-san did a proper confession right in front of us.

To Bro, 9:11 pm: Yeah, that was unexpected. But what surprised me the most was that Daichi-san did a proper confession himself. Who do you think Asahi is in love with?

From Bro, 9:12 pm: I don't know, Noya-san. But we have a bigger issue on our hands, right now.

To Bro, 9:12 pm: Why? What happened?

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