Chapter 10

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Warning: This chapter contains some strong language and sexual imagery. Reader's discretion is advised from here on.

Asahi walked back home, after agreeing to Yuu's idea of sleeping at his place and reassuring the Nishinoyas that the hand print on his face wasn't as bad as it looked. He could feel his his stomach turning and twisting, at the idea of seeing his parents again. He took his phone from his pocket and typed a short text.

To Suga, 8:40pm: Sorry to bother you again, Suga. My parents found out I'm gay. I need to speak with someone.

He shoved his phone back into his pocket and hurried his pace, almost running with rage. As soon as he opened the door, he heard his father's voice coming from the kitchen.

"Asahi, come here immediately!" When he reached his parents in the kitchen, they greeted him with a deep frown, which only fueled his anger.

"What?!" His tone as cold as ice.

"Stop the attitude right now! I will never agree to this insane and disgusting relationship. You're an Azumane, and you will marry the girl I will chose for you, you understand?"

"I have already said no to that, father!" His voice came out in a shout that used all the strength his voice could manage. "I don't care if you two agree to Yuu and me being together. I love him, I've loved him for two years! I already told you, I will find a job and move out as soon as I can, and when he will graduate himself, I will ask him to move in with me. You're not okay with that? Then do not come and visit us!" He started to walk away, rage pulsing through his head, and didn't bother turning around when his father yelled his name. He suddenly stopped and glanced over his shoulder, his hair covering his eyes as it was still untied. "Tomorrow I will go to Yuu's house for dinner, and I will spend the night there. I'll see you in a week, after the training camp in Tokyo will be over. Good night!"

The movie was coming to an end, and Koushi found his boyfriend dozing off next to him. He nuzzled his neck with his nose, waking up his boyfriend who yawned soundly and hugged him tightly. "Ichi, if you were tired, you could have told me."

"Sorry, Koushi. Did you enjoy the movie?"

"Yeah, it was less scary than I thought." They fell backwards on the bed, Koushi laying on top of Daichi. He pushed himself up slightly, giving the captain a mischevious smirk. "Do you really want to keep for yourself what made you blush so violently, earlier?" The blush made a new appearance on the dark-haired boy's face, his hands slowly running up and down his boyfriend's back.

"I... Yes, I want to keep it for myself."

"Mmh? That's pretty selfish and unfair, Ichi." The setter pretended to whine and pout, knowing the other couldn't resist him like that, and rested his chin on his chest. "Come on, please! I want to know!" Daichi grunted in defeat.

"Okay... I was looking at your fingers, and... imagining... things." Koushi's phone chimed once more, and the grey-haired boy grabbed it from its place on the bed. "Who is it?" Curiosity seeped from the captain's tone. The setter sat upright, watching the screen.

"It's Asahi." He opened his phone and read the text, becoming pale in an instant. "Oh, shit!" These last words made Daichi flinch in surprise.

"You swore. You very rarely swear. What happened?" Koushi turned his phone towards Daichi, so that he could read the text himself. "Oh, damn. That sounds bad. Should we call him?" The grey-haired pressed the call button, then activated the loudspeaker. When Asahi picked the call up, they heard someone yelling.

"Asahi, you little... Come back here this instant! This is the second time you use this tone with me. How dare you?!"

"I don't care, dad! I already told you. I love Yuu, and he loves me. I won't do what you tell me anymore, I'm done! I will not leave the team, and I will definitely not break up with Yuu!" They heard a clicking noise, then their friend finally spoke to them. "Suga, are you sure it's okay? We could have spoken tomorrow."

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