Chapter 7

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Another week passed, and luckily both Yuu and Ryu passed all their exams, while Shouyou and Tobio had to do one resit each. Yuu was quite surprised he was able to get high enough marks to pass his tests; he had found it extremely hard to focus, with the mess in his head. The night before the trip to Tokyo, Yuu was in his room checking his bag to see if he had everything he needed.

"Mmh... Let's see. Uniforms, kneepads, elbow guard, shoes, socks, pyjamas, bath stuff, underwear and hair gel. I think I have everything." he muttered, closing his volleyball bag. He was really excited for those two days of training camp with Tokyo's best volleyball teams. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, then he jumped on his bed and checked his phone. Ryu had sent him a text, and by the tone he was excited too. The libero replied to him and put his phone on charge. He closed his eyes to try and sleep, but five minutes later he opened hem again. He took his phone, opened the chat and started typing.

To Bro, 9:00 pm: Do you think I should tell something to Asahi?

From Bro, 9:01 pm: About what we were talking about last week at my place?

To Bro, 9:01 pm: Yes, about that.

Yuu waited for his best friend's reply, his heart started to beat faster than usual.

From Bro, 9:03 pm: I don't know, Noya-san. Are your feelings still like a question mark?

To Bro, 9:04 pm: To be honest, yes. I don't understand what I'm feeling.

From Bro, 9:04 pm: If that's the case, maybe it's better not to tell him anything. I'd say it would be better if you settle your feelings first, and then if you actually like him, then you can peak to him.

To Bro, 9:05 pm: Yeah, you're probably right. By the way, do you remember at what time do we have to meet with the others?

From Bro, 9:05 pm: I think it's around 1:30 or 2 in the morning, but I'm not too sure. Ask to one of the third-years, they should remember.

To Bro, 9:06 pm: Yes, you're right. Thanks, Ryu. I'll let you know as soon as possible.

Yuu looked at his phone, scrolling through his contacts. Ryu gave him a good reason to text Asahi, without being suspicious. He grinned widely and opened a new chat.

To Ace, 9:07 pm: Asahi-san, osu! Sorry to bother you at this time, but can I ask you something?

From Ace, 9:07 pm: Sure, Noya, how can I help? And don't worry, you're not bothering me.

To Ace, 9:08 pm: I can't remember at what time we have to leave for Tokyo. Do you remember, by any chance?

From Ace, 9:09 pm: We need to be in front of the gym at 2 in the morning, and we'll leave as soon as everyone is there and ready.

To Ace, 9:09 pm: Perfect, thank you Asahi-san. It will be awesome, we'll be training with four powerhouses! I'm so excited! What about you?

From Ace, 9:10 pm: I'm excited too. It will be a great experience, and we'll be all together again, like during the Golden Week.

Yuu blushed hard, thinking about Asahi with his hair down.

To Ace, 9:10 pm: Yeah, I can't wait for this trip. Good night, Asahi-san. See you later, and thank you again.

From Ace, 9:11 pm: No problem, Noya. It was a pleasure to help you. See you in a few hours. Good night.

"Okay, that was easier than I thought." Yuu muttered to himself. "I need to tell Ryu the time."

To Bro, 9:12 pm: You were right, Ryu. The third-years remembered, and we have to be in front of the gym at 2 in the morning.

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