Chapter 6

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Three weeks had passed, and Kiyoko had found a first-year as a second manager. Yachi, a cute little girl with blonde hair a little past her chin in length, usually tied in a side ponytail, and light brown eyes had joined the club a little after the team was told about a summer camp held in Tokyo by the city's four powerhouses, including Nekoma. But Takeda-sensei, a short man with messy black hair and brown eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses, who was the club supervisor, had reminded them about the final tests too, adding that in the case they would have failed any of them, they wouldn't have been able to go to Tokyo to get their resits. Yuu, along with Tanaka, Kageyama and Hinata, had a moment of panic, but thankfully Ennoshita accepted to help him and Ryu, as hey were in the same year, meanwhile Yachi and Tsukishima would help Kageyama and Hinata.

Yuu was sitting in Ryu's room; they had just finished to study with Ennoshita, and Tanaka told him to stay for the night, so they could revise and it was getting late too. Ryu's sister was cooking dinner, while the boys were trying to memorize what Chikara taught them earlier.

"Ryu, can I tell you something?" the spiked-hair boy said, suddenly.

"Sure, Noya-san. What do you want to tell me?"

"Well... ehm..." the libero hesitated. "How can I explain this?"

The shaved-head looked at his best friend, tilting his head to the side, surprised to hear the always confident libero hesitating. "Noya-san, just spit it out, already! This indecision is not like you."

"I know, Ryu. But it's not so easy to explain, when I don't fully understand it either."

"Is it something about Asahi-san?" Yuu's head snapped towards the other boy, confiusion painted on his face.

"How do you know it's about Asahi?"

"Well, Noya, you're always worried about him, and you flat out refused to return to the club until he would be back. Besides, your concern is even worse, since we saw Asahi-san and Suga-san together. Is their relationship bothering you?"

"I think so, actually. I don't know when it started, But I think I really like Asahi." Tanaka raised his eyebrows.

"You think? Are you not sure?"

"I told you it wasn't easy to explain. I mean, I know I'm bi, and I know I'm really into Kiyoko-san. She's a very beautiful and smart girl, and her ignoring us leaves a good feeling in me. But every time I see Asahi and Suga-san being all lovey-dovey, it pisses me off. Which happens everyday. I don't know what should I do." he confessed.

"Wow, Noya-san... I think you're falling for Asahi-san. You should talk to him, about this." Yuu widened his eyes, looking at his best friend as if he was crazy.

"I'm sorry, what? And what should I tell him, Ryu? Oh, hi, Asahi-san. You know, you should dump your boyfriend and break his heart, because I think I may really like you. Sure thing! Suga-san would kill me for something like this, and I might break Asahi's heart instead." Yuu snapped, frustrated.

"But you can't be sure about that, Noya-san. Maybe he won't confess for similar reasons."

"Stop it, Ryu, please. Forget about what I've told you. I won't confess to Asahi. As long as he's happy, then it's fine for me too."

"And you say you're not sure about your feelings?" Ryu muttered.

"I've heard you!"

"Do you understand this problem, Asahi? is it clearer, now?" Koushi asked the taller boy, showing him how to solve a maths' problem.

"Oh, yeah. Now i've got it. Suga, you're a really good teacher." Asahi responded, writing down the solution and the explanation. They heard knocking coming from the door, and the grey-haired boy gave the permission to enter his room.

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