Chapter 3: ChatGPT or ChatGPThree? (bro what is that)

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"Alright people, today's challenge is to write a story with 10 sentences or less! Best one wins! GO!" said Two.

"Let me do this, guys." said Pen.





"ART! BEAUTIFUL!" said Nine, while Five slowly walked to him.

"Haven't you ever listened to Lemon Demon? This is clearly just lyrics from one of his songs. Disqualified for plagarising." said Five.

"Pen, this is all your fault! We were going to add you to our alliance, but you are too weak! You are going to be eliminated because of this, you stupid idiot. If you didn't do this crap, then we wouldn't have lost! You are simply WORTHLESS!" yelled Pencil at Pen.

*pen starts crying*

"Alright, I have the perfect story." said Golfball.

"He was an expert but not in a discipline that anyone could fully appreciate. He knew how to hold the cone just right so that the soft server ice-cream fell into it at the precise angle to form a perfect cone each and every time. It had taken years to perfect and he could now do it without even putting any thought behind it. Nobody seemed to fully understand the beauty of this accomplishment except for the new worker who watched in amazement."

*the five and nine clap clap*

"THAT IS A 10!" screamed Nine.

"You're giving them too much. 9." said Five.

" " said Nonexisty.

"Bad story. 0." said Five.

"What do you mean? This is so emotional!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEVVEN MRIEO EMOTIONAL THEN HFJONE ENDING! 69!!!!!!!!1""" said Nine.

"Literally nothing happened." said Five.

"Good point. 0 then." said Nine.

"We have our 2 losers early!  got 0 and Freesmart was disqualified for plagarism." said Two.

s bit layter

"First,   will vote someone out. Come on, guys!" said Two.

"Now, the votes say that all the votes are for Nonexisty. Goodbye!" Two said as he deleted Nonexisty from existence.

"Now for Freesmart. I'll count the votes soon."

1 min later

"And 6 people voted for Pen, 4 people voted for Pencil. That means Pen is out!"

*two deletes pen from existence*

(yes short challenge that means more space to do plot stuff)

a bit later...

"We can't do that! It's too early!" said Eight while discussing something with Three.

"We must destroy everything and everyone." said Three.

"Well, we only have Profily." Eight said while grabbing Profily.

"Have you decided if you'll sign the contract yet or not?" said Three.



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"You can have eternal happiness, riches, immortality, power. Just sign it already." Three said while summoning a piece of cake. (yes they ate it)

"Ugh, fine." Eight said while signing the super cool contract thingy.

"Okay, great. Now we can destroy those weaklings and take over the world together."

"So, I say we target Firey next. He is fire and is on a full team. We can easily manipulate those idiots. How about you get him?" said Three.

"Sure. But how?"

"Give him this." Three said while giving Eight a cup of water.

"Okay, seems easy enough."

and eight walked to firey (firey was aejfhiugkjimbkhtskdunyakrhgjjiu)

"Hey Firey."

Firey turns around. "Yeah?"

"Open your mouth."

*firey opens his mouth and eight forces the water down his throat*

"Hey! What was that for?"


"Uh, okay." Firey said while walking away.

end probably

bro pls dont read this it's an embarrassing part of my pastWhere stories live. Discover now