Chapter 6: you're all i need UNDERNEATH THE TREE (placeholder)

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i dont want to write competition no more so no more competition im taking this off the rails

should i release the scrapped chapter? it's cringe as hell-

should i release the scrapped chapter? it's cringe as hell-

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pen rejoined, 2 challenges went by



"So, how are we going to get Barf Bag and Taco out of the asylum?" Golfball said. "Why don't we just leave them?" Spongy replied. "Because they're friends." Golfball convinced her (golfballs a her?) team to help her break them out of the super epic asylum so epic so cool epic epic epic epic.

uh who have i not done much with uh ice cube pov

"Alright, the challenge today is to run!" Two said, they sounded quite nervous. "What do you mean, Two?" My friend, Book said. But then, some (cu-) black stuff appeared. Book is now carrying me to the Freesmart Supervan. We're leaving Teardrop behind, though. She uttered a single word. "S- a- a a- -a -a- s-a-  v e--v-- -ev--e ." (that was just me spamming s, a, v, e, and -) before getting covered in the black stuff. Her eyes went wide. Very scary! (ungood)

narrator pov since i cant do this poor attempt at ice cube pov anymore

The Freesmart Supervan went towards Yoyle City, probably looking for their tower. They didn't notice, but someone snuck on. Steamy. "Hey, who are you?" Bubble noticed Steamy (which contradicts this paragraph). "I'm Steamy. And I'm going to help you get out of here!" Steamy put on a tophat and a bowtie. (he was so hot)

image wont load you get no bad steamy art

"Why, like, would, like, we, like, need, like, to, like, get, like, your, like, help?" Match said. "Because Feo is coming to murder us!" Steamy responded. "Wait, isn't Feo Taco's sleep paralysis demon?" Book said. "Perhaps a demon, unsure! But I have some connections with this man." Steamy said. "What.. toype of connectEons?" Bubble asked Steamy. "Just a giant hivemind sort of thing, really. Not too confusing, I'm unsure how the guy gets in peoples minds."

"And you're helping us why?" Match asked, still a little suspicious. "Just to kill you off." Steamy said, slowly turning 1nt0 F30. (i cant remember what an f30 is figure it out yourself -rejog 2024) "KICK HIM OUT!" Pencil yelled. Ruby threw him out, but a bit of goo got on her.

i give up on this story it's cancelled

but one more chapter to kill grassy (i hate grASSy)

bro pls dont read this it's an embarrassing part of my pastWhere stories live. Discover now