Eternal Debt

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It's quite literally like watching someone pull back a curtain before stepping through the very fabrics of realities-Loki watches with wide eyed amazement as this little slip of a girl skips happily through the literal tear in reality. Loki's seen portals of many kinds before, but Loki has never met any being powerful enough to achieve such things without much effort at all.

The seams close themselves back together, and Loki can't tell if that's the girl doing it, or if the rip just isn't big enough to grow and make impact (like she's read in many books and been told from many other beings.)

Love sends a smile to her father before grinning excitedly at Loki. "Hello." She gives an enthused wave.

Loki snaps herself out of her stupor with a tiny shake of her head. She smiles at the girl, gives an awkward wave back. "Hello."

Thor would introduce them to one another, but he feels like he doesn't need to. In fact, he feels content enough just having them both with him. And he's also still trying to process that Loki really is back.

Love takes a small step forward. She knows how incredibly powerful the Jötunn born heir-Asgardian raised Goddess really is, but she also knows how weird this must all be for her. She feels a little guilty, but tries to hide it as she softly asks, "How do you feel?"

Loki looks caught off guard by the question, a little confused, too, until she sees the flicker of concern and guilt in her pretty brown eyes. "Oh. I feel good. Nothing feels out of the ordinary...physically."

Thor smiles to himself as Loki shoots Love a teasing smile and Love smiles sheepishly.

Loki shoots her a highly impressed look as she says, "That was quite an extraordinary feat. It takes a lot to impress me."

Thor chuckles as he chimes in with, "You've known her for five minutes and she already impresses you." He pouts playfully as he adds, "I don't think I've ever impressed you."

Loki ignores her racing heart by shooting him a pompous look and telling him, "Then, try harder."

Love hides a smirk just in time as Loki's eyes fall back to her. "It took me a couple of attempts to reach you at the right moment. I, um... I didn't want to risk any trauma, and I didn't wanna take you from another time, because you'd probably be even more confused. This way, it's like you've been brought back to life without even dying."

Loki smiles fondly down at her. "Brains to back up her brawn." She smirks over at Thor, "Are you sure you're the only one raising her?"

Love giggles as she glances over to see her father glaring and sulking. "So..." She looks back at up at the Goddess, "You're not angry? Or upset?"

Loki blinks, her tone casual, "Am I upset or angry that you saved me from dying?" Thor smiles amusedly as Loki pretends to think about it. Loki smiles brightly down at this Child of Eternity; this little girl with the power of the creator of the Gods themselves at her fingertips. "No." She shakes her head. "If anything, I'm in your eternal debt."

You already know why I brought you back. You owe me nothing.

Loki stares at her for a moment before registering the tiny smirk on the girl's lips. Loki narrows her eyes. She doesn't know whether to smirk back, or grit her teeth in annoyance. But either way, she's still impressed.

"Who wants pizza pockets?" Thor pipes up after noticing the dusk starting to set. He moves to turn on the kitchen lamp, smiles to himself when he hears Love's excited gasp.

"Me!! Did you get the extra cheesy ones this time?"

Loki watches as Love bounces eagerly over to join Thor in their kitchen. A smile grows on her face without her knowledge as she's far too distracted with watching how very normal and domesticated and so damn adorable the entire scene is.

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