+*ich liebe dich*+

538 10 38


It it weekend.. I think Saturday but I don't remember, and don't really care much.

I felt warm skin against my body.. I turned my head back to see Tom hugging me while his hands wrapped around my waist.

I remember yesterday was a fight and then we made out.
The rest, I don't really remember.

I haven't heard about cleo In a long while so I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and texted her.

Hey cleo!!
How are you?

Y/n!! I'm great I have big news that you missed!!

oooh!! Tell mee!!

Soo I have a boyfriend!

A boyfriend? Weren't you lesbian?
Haha very funny, well I was but I found out I like it more if I'm bi!

Mmh.. cool!! I'll text you later cleo! Have to wake up Tom..

Tom? Y'all together?

I guess? I don't know it's not official.

Yeah okay good luck with Tom!

Damn cleo had a boyfriend... meh if she likes him then its fine. I have a man in my bed that almost girl wish they had.
So I don't have to complain;)

Oh yeah I have to wake up Tom.

"Tom...!" I slowly grab his hands on my waist and pull them off to sit up and shake him awake.

"Mmmh.." he mumbels and then he opens his eyes.
"Oh hey gorgeous"
He also sat up rubbing his eyes aggressively.

"Oh hello tommy" I smile while I watch him sit next to me.

"How did you sleep?" He asks me laying his hand on my thigh and the other infront of his mouth to yawn. It makes me yawn to but I hide it.

"Oh yeah I've slept good. And you?" I lay my head on his shoulder and lay my right hand on his bare chest.

We cuddle for a while and then bill walks in.

"Hey can't you knock?"
Tom yells at bill in a strong German accent. "We could've just had sex and you barged in?!" He yells again. "Oh hi bill!" I smile and sit up to look at bill.

"Uhm hey guys there is a party wanne come?" It was going to be fun but then Tom said something.
"Nahh don't want to be that drunk again to maybe be kissing another girl.. I've already messed up and don't want to hurt her more" I was shocked.

I smiled while looking at bill and Tom. "Okay man what you say.. georg and gustav are coming too so y'all are alone"
He winks and then leaves while closing my bedroom door.

"Sooo we are alone huh?" He smirks while laying his arm around my shoulders to pull my In for another hug.

"Yeah I guess.. what about it?"
I ask him laying my right hand back on his chest.

"Y/n are you that dumb"
He laughs but I sit back up not getting the 'joke'
"Haha NOO nothing" he laughs once more.. sometimes I don't get what this dude means.

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