Chapter Two.

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The students settled down after the Sorting Hat sorted the new students. Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table with her friends as they awaited to hear the new term announcements from Headmistress McGonagall.

"First and foremost, welcome to the new and approved school. I know that many of you who have returned lost a great deal during the Second Wizarding War. We have hired some new staff that are here to help if you ever feel the need to talk to someone. Another new thing we have implemented is on selective days, those who were involved in the war will be taken from classes and have group therapy to talk and to learn ways on how to deal with trauma. This is non-negotiable," McGonagall announced.

There were many groans in the Great Hall, but Hermione smiled. Hermione hasn't had the time to deal with her own trauma, so hearing this was absolutely wonderful news to her. Draco was happy about it too. He had found drinking firewhiskey over the break helped numb the pain, but he could never truly forget any of it. He hoped this would be a turning point for the pain he felt.

"Also, I have picked the two students who would be Head Boy and Head Girl!" McGonagall said excitedly. Hermione perked up, hoping to hear her name. "I know these two students will do wonderful at their job and make everyone feel safe here at Hogwarts. Our Head Girl is: HERMIONE GRANGER!" the Headmistress announced.

The Gryffindor table cheered for Hermione and she nodded her head and smiled, showing a more humble response.

"And our Head Boy is: DRACO MALFOY!" The Slytherin table made lots of noise to show their enthusiasm. Draco only noticed that McGonagall had called his name when Theo has slapped his shoulder to congratulate him. He glanced around, seeing the sour faces from the other table.

"Miss Granger and Mr. Malfoy, you will both meet with me after dinner. Otherwise, that is all for this evening's announcement. Enjoy!" McGonagall waved her hands and a large feast appeared at each table. Each student chowed down except for Draco who stared at his empty plate and Hermione who stared at the pale boy, taking notice on how sickly he looked.


After dinner, Hermione and Draco marched silently to the Headmistress's office. Hermione would steal glances at Draco, but he kept his eyes locked to the ground, watching each step he took. Draco appeared to look so haggard. Like, he hadn't slept all break and his hair was disheveled. He no longer held his head high like he knew he's better than everyone else. He had a very solemn look on his face. Hermione thought he might've lost some weight too. He just looked horrible in Hermione's eyes. She felt sorry for him.

Draco didn't speak a word to Hermione. He didn't even have the courage to look at her. Every time he thought about her, he saw the scared girl beneath his wicked aunt as she dug a blade into her left forearm. He could still hear her screams. And now, getting the Head Boy position would put him in breathing distance of her and all he wanted was to hide from her and the rest of the world.

The two stood in McGonagall's office with their hands clasped behind their backs as they waited for the Headmistress to finish writing up a letter.

"Alright, let's go over your duties." Headmistress McGonagall stood up and came around the desk. "Before we start Professor, why was I picked for this?" Draco spoke up, startling Hermione. "Why wouldn't you be picked for this, Mr. Malfoy? You have outstanding grades. You have showed bravery-" Draco interrupted the Headmistress, "Bravery? No. I was a scared little shit that was afraid of standing up to my Father and to the Dark Lord. I let the Death Eaters into the school and I am the reason Dumbledore is DEAD. It's my fault!" Draco's voice raised. Hermione could see the deep sadness storming in his gray eyes. "On the contrary, Draco; Mr. Potter spoke out for you and told me that you did not identify him in the Manor. Despite what you may feel about yourself and how you see yourself, I believe in you." McGonagall said with a sincerity in her voice that made Hermione stumble back. Draco fell silent.

"Your duties will consist of patrolling the hallways for rule breakers and you are able to take points from Houses. With that, I hope you only take points that actually deserve it. Not because of some sort of petty competition," McGonagall looked at the two of them. "Second of all, we will be implementing new seating tables in the Great Hall. Now that the Dark Lord is gone, I want the Houses to interact with each other. I know Hermione will have no problem with that. But, Draco; you will need to lead your House. You need to lead your friends into interacting with others than just themselves." Draco bit the inside of cheek. "I will do my best," he said in a quiet voice.

McGonagall continued, "You two will be sharing a tower together. Don't worry, you won't have to share a bedroom. But, you will be sharing a common room and a bathroom and a little kitchenette. Your trunks and things have already been transferred there. Come. I will show you." Hermione and Draco followed the Professor out of her office and down the hall. Hermione kept her head up with her hands behind her back. Draco kept his head down and followed behind the Headmistress.

They stopped in front of a door with a portrait of a lion with a snake wrapped around its body. "The password is: Unitatem. Enjoy and I expect great things from both of you." McGonagall said and walked away as the portrait door opened to reveal a beautiful common room that consisted the colors of gold and green. "Wow." Hermione smiled. Draco sighed and left the room, finding his room quickly and shut the door. Hermione sighed, "Great way to start the first night."

Madness: A Dramione Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant