Chapter Six.

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Days had passed and Hermione and Draco fell into a rhythm. They would eat breakfast together, each go to their own classes beside the one that they shared, ate lunch with their own friends, more classes, dinner apart, and doing rounds at night. Hermione socialized with her friends and Draco coveted after her. In secret with a silencing spell, he spent nights imagining being beside her and in her.

Hermione was oblivious to his hidden smiles and the looks he gave her. The one person who couldn't be fooled and was raging mad about it sat and watched the two. Jealousy filled his heart.

It had been about two weeks since Hermione and Ron has had a civil conversation. Ron had finally caught Hermione in the courtyard, begging to speak to her. She sighed and motioned to the bench. Ron smiled and sat down next to Hermione. She tried to scoot over but he pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry I've been such a prick. I want us to get back to how we used to be," he apologized. Hermione gave him a tight smile, "I want that as well, Ron." "Then it's settled. Now, you just have to tell Draco to leave you alone." Ron concluded.

Hermione gave him a confused look. "He's Head Boy. We live in the same dormitory. And, he and I are friends." she replied. "How can we possibly get back together Hermione if you have Draco acting all googly- eyed over you?" Ron asked, his temper rising. "I didn't say you and are going to get back together. I thought you meant as friends," Hermione said. "No. I want to get back together," Ron huffed. "Ron. We didn't work well together. We work better as friends. That's what I want us to be is just FRIENDS," Hermione stood up and straightened out her skirt.

Ron stood up, standing a few inches taller than her. "You like him, don't you?" Ron sneered. "Even if I did, it's none of your damn business. I don't want to hear anymore from you about him being a Death Eater. He is trying to make peace with everyone. He is trying to be better. If you are going to continue to be angry with me about something I decided months before school even started, fine! But, don't bring Draco into this. Back off Ron. I'm done having this conversation with you!" Hermione shouted at her former boyfriend. He turned and stomped off like a child who couldn't have something that he wanted.


Hermione ran back to her dorm. Luckily, when she entered; Draco was nowhere to be found. She went to the bathroom and stripped. She needed a bath to calm her rattled nerves. She added some Epsom salt to her bath and sunk into the hot water. She closed her eyes and practiced on her breathing to slow her heart rate down. But she couldn't remove the mental image of Ron and the face he made at her. He was hurt. It was evident in his eyes but, his jaw was locked and he had such a sour look upon his face.

She understands that he doesn't understand how she could forgive and forget. But, she hasn't forgotten. It's seared into her skin. She can't forget. But, she can move forward. Draco has shown no ill-will towards her since the beginning of this term. She looks at Draco as a friend. Although, that hasn't stopped her dreams from taking a sexual turn.

Her sleep has been plagued by nightmares since the end of the war but since coming back to Hogwarts and making nice with Draco, she's been having wet dreams about the certain Slytherin Prince that she shares a dormitory with. Every morning, she awakes in a sweat and her clothes sticking to her and her panties are soaking wet.

Sure, these dreams are a nice break from the nightmares, but she shouldn't be dreaming of Draco like this. Dreaming of herself in these erotic positions with him. She's still a virgin. She hadn't much of anything but kissing. She tried to give Ron a blow job once. He came in three minutes. She didn't know if it was a good thing or not. But, after that one time; she didn't want to touch him or be touched. It wasn't too long after that that they broke up.

Hermione groaned, trying to forget Ron and Draco. At least until the bath water turned cold.

When the water turned cold, she knew she needed to get up and stop pouting about all of this. She let the water drain and wrap a towel around her body. She left the warm bathroom and quickly ran to her bedroom, realizing Draco could be in the common room or somewhere in near distance.

Hermione entered her bedroom and threw herself on her bed. She didn't even bother to dress herself. She didn't bother to eat dinner. Nothing. She just wanted her bed and to forget the last few hours of the day.

With the lights dimming and music gently playing from a small radio in the corner, Hermione found herself drifting off to sleep with only a thin sheet covering her thin naked body.

Madness: A Dramione Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora