Chapter Three.

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Hermione slept soundly in her bed. Everything was fine until she heard some talking then shouting in the bedroom next to her. She popped up, her wand at the ready. The tip of her wand illuminated the dark room. She stood up and followed the sound. She cracked her door and saw nothing in the common room. She snuck over to Draco's room and opened his door. There on the bed, the pale boy writhed. His chest and forehead glimmered with perspiration and his hair stuck to his forehead. His fists gripped the black satin sheets. "Malfoy," Hermione croaked as she watched him shout obscenities to the person plaguing his nightmares.

Draco shook violently as tears started to roll down his cheeks. "Malfoy," Hermione said his name louder, trying to wake Draco without touching him. He heard his name being called by a sweet voice through the nightmare. The voice was like honey and the smell that surrounded him was of lavender and vanilla. A wonderful pairing.

Draco awoke from his dream, startling the woman that stood there in pink satin shorts and a matching top. Her curly hair was wild around her, but complimented her sweet face. Then, Draco realized who it was and that she was the one who broke him free from his nightmare. That she saw him in his vulnerable state. It made him angry and feel weak.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" he asked angrily. "Your shouting woke me up," Hermione answered. He growled, "Get out!" "Then, stop shouting!" Hermione fired back. Draco hopped up and got into Hermione's face. "Get the fuck out of here, Granger! I don't need your help!" Draco roared. Hermione whipped around and left Draco's room. "Hah! I will never try to help that ferret again!" Hermione said to herself as she stomped back to her own room and fell back to sleep in her bed.


The next morning, Hermione was up early. She was in the shower before Draco could commandeer it for himself. She took her time to tame her wild hair until it fell into soft waves down her back and she applied a bit of makeup. When she came out of the bathroom, Draco stood in the little kitchenette with a cup of coffee in his hand. He stood there in black sleep pants and no shirt. Hermione tried to look away but her gaze locked on his lean but muscular frame. No matter how much weight he had lost, he was still pretty muscular and it made her mouth water.

"Stop drooling, Granger." Malfoy chuckled. She broke out of her gaze and huffed, sticking her nose up in the air. She turned and moved back to her bedroom as she gathered her school bag and books and everything else she would need for the day. When she turned to leave the safety of her bedroom, Draco stood in the doorway. His arm was up as he leaned on it. His muscles flexed beneath his porcelain skin and Hermione had to steer her honey brown eyes away from the way he leaned on the door frame. A secret part of her wishing she was that door frame.

"What do you want Malfoy?" she asked, using her surname. He grimaced, "I'm sorry for yelling at you last night and for disrupting your sleep." Hermione buffered, "Oh. Umm, your welcome?" He had yelled at her but now he was apologizing. "See you at breakfast," Draco muttered as he left her doorway and went into the bathroom, leaving Hermione alone. She blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what just happened.

She left their tower and headed down to breakfast to meet her friends. When she entered the Great Hall, there were no longer rectangular tables. There were large circular tables to sit at least ten people at them. She saw her friends, but also saw the other tables and how the students were interacting with other Houses. Looks like McGonagall's plan for the new school year was working. Hermione smiled and joined her friends who were interacting with two Hufflepuffs and a few Slytherin's.

Hermione slid in beside Ginny who was currently speaking to Blaise Zabini, a Slytherin. Not just any Slytherin though. Draco Malfoy's best friend. Ginny turned towards her friend and smiled at her. "So, are you really sharing a room with the Slytherin Sex God?" Ginny inquired. Hermione widened her eyes at her friend. "By that, you mean Malfoy?" she asked. Ginny wiggled her eyebrows and a mischievous smile played across her lips, "Whatever you want to call him." "How about ferret?" A gruff voice spoke from behind Hermione. She turned and was met with a look a like of Ginny."Morning Ron," she said as she poured herself some tea. "Why would McGonagall pick that ferret of all people?" Ron complained.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Because, she believes he will do the school some good." she stated. "Oh, that's a grand idea! Let's make a Death Eater in charge of such an important task!" Ron grumpily said. "Talk to Harry about it. He's the one that mentioned to McGonagall that Draco would be good for the job," Hermione lied. Harry didn't say that exactly but it was enough to get Ron to shut his mouth.


Breakfast ended and Hermione hadn't seen if Draco was there or not. She entered Transfiguration class alone. She glanced around the classroom for a seat and the only one she found was right next to the pale, tortured boy; Draco Malfoy. She sighed as she walked up to the table and took the seat next to him. Draco glanced at her. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying to bite back a snarky remark. He had already made himself look like a fool from the night before after he yelled at her from waking him up from one of his many night terrors.

Headmistress McGonagall stepped in front of the classroom and welcomed new and returning students to her class before starting the lesson. Hermione was hyper aware that Draco is watching her. The hairs on the back of neck stood up on end and she tried to ignore it.

Draco couldn't stop staring at the female sitting next to him. Her scent surrounded him and he just wanted to wrap himself into it like it was a blanket. A tendril of a curl brushed her eyebrow and he had to force himself to not reach out and push it back behind her ear.

After the war and his father went to Azkaban, his mother and Draco decided enough was enough. They would step away from the Pure-Blood shit that had been instilled in them all their lives. His mother had begun to find friends in Muggle-borns and found them to be very intellectual. Over the summer, when he was on house arrest, his mother hosted parties, inviting her new found friends over and Draco had conversations with them. Had made friends with them. His father would have a heart attack if he knew that his family were conversing with "Mudbloods". The thought of it made Draco chuckle, calling Hermione to look at him and give him a questionable look.

Draco straightened his back and turned back to the lesson even though he hadn't been listening the entire time. Hermione let out a huff and moved her curls out of her face.

Draco bit his bottom lip and rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe he was sitting here smelling Hermione. Whether he left his Father's beliefs in the past or not, he was staring at Miss- Know- It- All. At THE Hermione Granger who is friends with FREAKING Harry Potter and is in a relationship with that freckle faced boy who stuffs his face and has no manners whatsoever.

As soon as the lesson ended, Draco hopped out of seat and left in a rush. Hermione looked his way and suddenly was encased by his scent: Cinnamon.

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