Chapter Four.

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The rest of the day went by quickly. Hermione had been too wrapped up in her schoolwork that she hadn't given Draco's odd behavior towards her a second thought. It wasn't until dinner that Hermione found Draco sitting at one of the round tables alone. She looked around for his friends and saw them elsewhere conversing with others. She thought about joining her own friends but decided to sit with Draco.

She felt a pair of eyes on her and knew it had to be Ron. She ignored him and continued her venture over to where Draco sat. Draco looked up and hardened his gaze. "Your boyfriend is over there," Draco pointed to the table that near the wall. "He's not my boyfriend. And, I figured we could talk." Hermione shrugged as she sat and began piling her plate with food. Draco's face softened. "I thought you two were together," he replied. "No. It ended," she shook her head. "It seems he's not over it," Draco pressed on. Hermione looked over her shoulder at Ron whose face was red with anger but a deep sadness in his eyes. "He's not. But, I am." Hermione sighed as she turned her attention back on Draco.

"What do you want to talk about?" Draco asked before he took a bite of his roast. "I want a fresh start. With you," Hermione said taking Draco by surprise. "We are going to have to work together. And, I don't want to be on bad terms with you. I'm willing to put the past behind us so we can work together. We don't have to be friends. I know you don't want to be friends with a Mudblood," Hermione said and Draco huffed; the word triggering him. "Don't call yourself that!" he shouted, gathering everyone's attention. He looked at them and sneered, "What are you lot looking at?!" Everyone quickly turned back to their plates.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for every time I called you that. I was wrong," Draco whispered. Hermione stared at him, tears prickling in her honey brown eyes. "I forgive you," Hermione croaked. His grey orbs met her sparkling eyes and he nodded, "Friends?" She offered him a smile and nodded.

The two sat conversing with each other while eating. All the while Ron sat there, watching them. Jealousy raged inside of him. How could Hermione sit there and speak to that Death Eater? It completely disgusted him. He rose from his seat angrily and stomped out of the Great Hall.

Hermione watched him and knew he was angry with her. But, she didn't feel the need to run after him. He was no longer her priority.


When dinner was over, Draco and Hermione walked back to their dormitory. They wanted to change before making their first rounds.

Hermione went to her room to change out of her uniform and put on some boot cut jeans, a white top, a green knitted sweater, and some little brown booties. She kept her hair loose and flowing down her back. She came out and saw that Draco had changed to some simple denim jeans and a black button down shirt. "Woah. Look at you decked out in Slytherin colors," Draco commented. Hermione rolled her eyes, "Shhh." "I mean, green does look really good on you," Draco smirked, looking Hermione up and down.

Hermione took a deep breath in. "Come on," Hermione headed to the door. She opened it and stepped out into the hallway and waited for Draco to follow. He caught up with her and fell into step with her. They walked throughout the halls, looking down dark corner to find hidden lovers smooching.

After a few strolls of silence, Draco broke it. "So, when did you and Weasley break up?" he asked. Hermione looked to her feet. "It was after the war. We tried but; it was too hard. We were in the press. He was dealing with the death of his brother and it was like, all the intense emotions we felt were over once the war was over. Like, that's all we had. We thought we weren't going to make it and once we did, the fire that burned within us for each other fizzled out. I didn't want to prolong it. So, I ended it." Hermione explained.

Draco nodded his head. "Maybe that fire within you fizzled out, but not him." he said. "Yeah. Well. There's nothing I can do about it. I think he and I are better off friends. I need to focus on my studies this year," she replied. "So, do I. I slacked off before the war. And, if I want to stay out of Azkaban, I need to make good grades." Draco confessed. "If you don't make the grades, you'll be sent to Azkaban?" she asked, concern laced in her voiced. "Well. Not exactly. I narrowly escaped Azkaban. My mom and I we're both put on house arrest and the Minister of Magic said I could go back to school this year. I have to stay out of trouble and pass my N.E.W.T.S. If I do, everything gets taken off my record. If I don't, I get to join my Father and my mother is left alone." Draco said. Hermione gave him a sad smile.

"I would do anything for my Mother," he stated. "That's so sweet," Hermione said.


Their first rounds went great. The two headed back, but not before being stopped by a very unfriendly red-head. Hermione stopped in her tracks as she stared up into the angry eyes of her ex, "Ron."

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