Chapter 3

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"Cassidy, wake up! Cassidy!" I started to stir at the sound of my name but before I could react Ginny smacked the side of my head with a pillow.

"I'm up!" I shrieked, jumping out of bed, almost tripping over the sheets in the process. This caused Ginny to double over in a fit of laughter and I glared at her in annoyance.

While she calmed herself down I sunk back in to the bed, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to wake myself up more. I had stayed out by the pound for a couple hours last night thinking so I didn't get much sleep.

"So where did you go last night?" Ginny asked.

"Out to the pond. I couldn't sleep." I shrugged, stifling a yawn.

"Sure you weren't sneaking out to see George?" She nudged my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, Ginny. I'm sure."

"Have you at least told him yet?"

"No. And I'm not going to, at least not for a while. I can't ruin our friendship. If I lost him, I don't know what I would do. Even if we started dating, what if we broke up and end up hating each other? It's just best if we stay friends."

"Cassidy, you won't ever know for sure if he likes you, which he does, unless you take a chance and tell him," She knows way too much about relationships for her age.

"I don't know Gin, I'll tell him when the time is right. I can't promise that will be any time soon though."

This time she rolled her eyes, "Fine. You better though, I want you as a sister one day."

"Let's go get breakfast," I laughed. The smell of bacon had made its way up to use and my stomach grumbled loudly.


After breakfast I followed Fred and George out to the garden. Mrs. Weasley had given them the task of getting rid of as many of the garden gnomes as they could. The gnomes were mean little creatures that looked like, well, gnomes. Most of them were fatter and uglier than you would imagine, though, and they had sharp, pointy teeth.

The twins would dangle a piece of cauldron cake above their holes, just high enough so they couldn't reach it, but the poor little things still tried. They hopped up and down on their stubby little legs getting angrier by the minute. Once they were lured out of their hole, the twin that wasn't holding the cake would grab the pudgy little thing by the ankles, spin around with it a few times, then throw it out in the field in an attempt to disorient them.

After a while one of the gnomes got fed up with the game and decided to bite George on the ankle instead of going for the cake. He hoped around the garden on one foot while Fred and I howled with laughter.

George glared at us and began walking on the foot gingerly, kicking any gnomes that popped their head out as he walked by.

"Lot of help you guys are," He muttered once we finally stopped laughing.

"Oh, George I'm sorry," I say with fake sympathy, standing up and trying to hug him.

"Sure you are," He glared playfully at me.

"We truly are, mate," Fred said between more small fits of laughter, "But that gnomes face. It was priceless."

We helped George hop to the living room, sitting him down gently on the couch where he propped his foot up for Mrs. Weasley to look at. She shook her head and shot him a disapproving look before dabbing some purple ointment on to the now swollen and slightly pussy wound. It smoked slightly then mended itself within moments, disappearing without a trace.

Harry and Ron jogged down the stairs holding their brooms and quaffle, "You lot want to join us for a game of Quidditch?"

"Hell yeah," Fred said, jumping up.

George and I quickly followed after them.

"Be careful!" Mrs. Weasley called after us, "I don't want to have to heal any more injuries today!"


It was Fred, George, and I playing against Ginny, Ron, and Harry. Hermione wasn't a big fan of flying so she was our referee on the ground. We were up by 70 points. We had the advantage of course, the three of us being on the Gryffindor Quidditch team for the past four years. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the snitch. I made a sharp turn and dove towards it. Ron had also seen it. My broom was faster though and I was able to grab the small golden ball before Ron could even catch up.

"We win!" Fred yelled.

The twins both fly over to me and give me a hug before we made our way to the ground.

"Good game you guys!" I smiled to Ron and Ginny.

"We totally crushed you!" George exclaimed.

We all laughed as Ron pouted. He was always a sore loser.

"It was an unfair game! All of you are on the Quidditch team!"

"Cheer up ickle little Ronniekins! We won fair and you know it!" Fred says

Ron mutters something unintelligible and stalked off towards the house, Harry followed him, laughing.

"You don't want mum to hear you using that kind of language!" George yells after him.

We laugh again and start to put away the brooms. "Hey Cass, can I talk to you for a minute?" George asks.

"Yeah sure," I reply fallowing him around the house. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to ask you something," He replies.

My heart beat picked up a little, "What do you want to ask?"

"Do you think I should ask Marissa out officially? I mean we've practically been dating for a couple months now and Fred keeps bothering me about it. I just wanted to get your opinion on it."

My heart dropped in to my stomach and I felt my face flush. I suddenly became very busy organizing the brooms in the small shack, trying to regain my composure.

This was one of the last things I expected him to ask. I thought she was more of a toy for him to play with. I thought he liked her because they looked good together, I didn't think he really had feelings for her.

I turned back to him once I could no longer stall with organizing, "Uh, yeah, if you want to I guess..." I said, not making eye contact, "Would that make you happy?"

He thought for a moment, "Yeah, I guess I would be happy," He shrugged nonchalantly.

This lit a small fire in my stomach, "You shouldn't date her if she doesn't make you happy, George. You should be with someone that you truly have feelings for and want to spend time with. Not just a physical connection."

I could see my reaction caught him off guard, "I do like her..." He trailed off. My stomach dropped again.

"But maybe you're right. I'll think about it for a while."

I nodded, "Yeah, sounds good. I just remembered I need to go do something. Keep me updated on what you decide."

I didn't wait for him to answer before turning on my heel towards the back door to the house. It took everything in me to not run inside. Once I reached the safety of Ginny's room I sank down in to my bed, staring at the wall.

He's probably going to ask Marissa to be his girlfriend.

This bothered me more than it probably should have. I don't own him. Ultimately, he can date whomever he wants. This just means he more than likely doesn't have any kind of romantic feelings for me.

I gripped the sheets beneath me, how am I supposed to give him advice on this when I don't want anyone dating him but me?

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