Chapter 5

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 Chapter 5

The cheering from the crowd was deafening. Everyone was celebrating, Ireland had won the game. George spun me around and hugged me, making my head spin, yet again. Somehow we managed to find our way back to our tent through the crowd and parties going on everywhere. It seemed everyone was celebrating, no matter which team they originally wanted to win. When we got back to our tent Fred, George, and Ron started doing some sort of wild victory dance.

"There's no one like Krum!" Exclaimed Ron suddenly.

"Krum? I love Krum!" Fred said, still dancing around.

"He's like a bird the way he rides the wind," Continued Ron

Fred and George walked in circles around Ron, who was now standing on a chair, flapping their arms like demented birds chanting "Krum, Krum, Krum" in deep voices.

"He's more than an athlete, he's and artist," Ron said while Fred and George continued on.

"I think you're in love, Ron" I say walking past him, rolling my eyes and laughing, I loved them but they could be such dorks at times.

"Oh, shut up," he replies.

"Victor, I love you," Fred sang "Victor, I do," continued George.

"Whenever we're apart, my heart beats only for you!" we all joined in, and Fred hit Ron in the stomach with a pillow.

Suddenly you could hear yells and some bangs above the noise of the crowd outside while Fred and Ron started a pillow fight.

"Sounds like the Irish got their pride on," mentions George, going to join the pillow fight. I got hit in the face and I tackled Fred, making him fall to the floor.

"Stop, stop it!" Mr. Weasley yells, "It's not the Irish; you've got to get out of here, now!"

We all follow Mr. Weasley outside to see what was once partying had now turned to chaos. Flames licked the sky as tents burned and people ran in every direction. Children were crying as their mothers ran past us towards the woods. In the distance Death Eaters were marching in a column, blasting anything and everything out of their way. Levitating above them was a family of muggles, bloody and bruised.

"Get back to the port key, everybody! And stick together!" Mr. Weasley orders, "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility!"

He rushed off into the crowd while Ginny huddled into Fred's side. The Death Eaters were getting closer and we could hear them chanting something. George grabbed my hand and we all started moving in the general direction the crowd was going. We were trying to put as much distance between us and the Death Eaters when we got separated from Ron, Hermione, and Harry. George was still holding onto my hand firmly, pulling me along through the crowd. We were getting closer to the tree line, where the portkey was, when I tripped, slipping out of Georges grip. People immediately started stepping on me as they tried to get by. I tried to stand but was pushed down every time. The ground was wet here and people slipped in the mud while running past, getting it all over my clothes.

“Cassidy!” I could hear George yell.

There was a sharp pain in my ankle as someone stepped on it. I let out a small scream as pain rushed up my leg. Looking down at my ankle my head started to swirl and my stomach twisted into knots; I could see a piece of bone sticking through my skin near my ankle. Around me all I could see were legs running past me. It was like I moved in slow motion while everything rushed by.

“George! Fred!”

There was no way I could stand but I tried anyway. I could finally see George pushing his way through the crowd to get to me. The last thing I remember was someone pushing me down again before I was knocked unconscious from being kicked in the head. Everything faded to blackness.

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