Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

**Athors note PLEASE READ**

Hey everyone! Sooooo sorry it has taken me forever to update. I focused on some other things for a little while but I will now be writting this story again. I have pretty much gone through and rewritten everything though so you are going to have to reread the entire story in order for this chapter to make sense....I changed A LOT. But I think this version is a lot better and I can do a lot more with it. So tell me what you think! Vote, comment, fan...whatever you like! :) Thanks for reading!


By the end of October the first event for the Triwizard Tournament was drawing closer and closer. I was worried about Harry; he had no idea what he was going to be facing in the first task, let alone how he was going to complete it. Draco Malfoy had made pins that supported Cederic and then spun and said ‘Potter stinks’. The pins had spread like wildfire throughout the school. It seemed like everyone had them, even people in Gryffindor wore them. Everyone thought that he had cheated and found a way to put his name in the goblet himself.

I still hardly spoke to George and when I did it was usually in class when Marissa wasn’t around. George tried to act like everything was fine but I still gave him short answers, trying to not draw out our conversations. It seemed like everywhere I went outside of class George and Marissa were there snogging. Distancing myself seemed to make things easier, I didn’t feel so hurt. I also had the feeling Marissa didn’t like me too much. So I stayed away as much as I could. By now I hardly ever talked to him. Fred and I, however, were still extremely close. He had become the person I told everything to, the one I confided in.

We were lying under the stars next to the Black lake talking when the subject of George came up yet again.

“You know George misses you right?”

I was quiet for a moment before replying, “I miss him too.”

“Then why don’t you have a real conversation with him? Tell him how you feel? You are constantly telling me that seeing him and Marissa together is tearing you apart, he would break up with her in a heartbeat for you. He just needs you to say the words.”

“I can’t do that! I’ve already told you I don’t want to be the person to break up a relationship. I would feel so guilty about it. What if they are meant to be together? And then I come along and screw it up. I don’t want to do that.”

I could see Fred shake his head next to me, “Cassidy you need to try and get him. Marissa isn’t good for him. It’s like she’s sucking the life out of him. She’s a controlling bitch and George can’t do anything without her without her getting mad. If he even looks at you, she gets mad. If he hangs out with me more than her in a day, she gets mad. I could honestly go on forever.”

I shook my head, “Why does he stay with her? She’s sounds horrible.”

“Because he doesn’t have anyone better. He needs you to give him a reason to leave her.”

 “I want to talk to him. I really do. But it’s not that simple.”

“Sure it is! Just give it a try. At least be friends with him again,” He looked at me and when I didn’t reply he continued, “Please Cass? For me?”

I sighed again, “Fine, I can try.”


The next day in potions I arrived a few minutes early, there were only a couple Ravenclaw girls sitting at the table near the corner, whispering to each other. I slowly set everything out on the table in front of me and then sat quietly in my seat waiting for the twins to come in.

Finding Love (George Weasley Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt