Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The next weeks passed uneventfully, mostly consisting of us playing quidditch, hanging out, and coming up with new jokes for the school year. Before we knew it, it was time for us to go back to Hogwarts. Mrs. Weasley was running around like a chicken with her head cut off making sure everyone had all their stuff together. Not that I can blame her, looking after seven children had to be quite stressful. There was no way I would have been able to do it. I was sitting in Fred and George’s mess of a room, since I had finished packing, when Mrs. Weasley stuck her head in "George, did you get your ties?" she asked.

"Yes, Mum, I told you I did an hour ago," George responded, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, yes that’s right, you three all packed then?"

"Yes," we all said at the same time.

“Good, you two get your room straightened up then,” She then left the room to go check on the others.

"You know, you could help us clean," George said after a while, I had been laying on the bottom bunk watching the twins clean up their mess and finding random objects that had been long forgotten about. Under the desk in the corner George had just found a note I wrote to them when we were in second year, telling them about what I had done over my summer and complaining about the boy I liked but didn’t seem to even notice my existence. All three of us have changed so much since then.

"Yeah, I could, but it's not my room or my mess."

George just stuck his tongue out at me and continued cleaning. A huge rubber snake then landed on my chest, making me jump up and scream. Fred and George howled with laughter as I jumped around, probably looking like an idiot, making sure it was no longer on me.

“Not funny asshole,” I said, punching Fred. He knew how much I hated snakes.

“You love us anyways,” he laughed.

“Not if you keep doing things like that,” I muttered, settling back onto the bed.


We had 10 minutes until the train left, just enough time to say goodbye.

"You boys behave this year!" Mrs. Weasley told the twins giving them each a hug

They looked at each other, "Yeah right!" Mrs. Weasley sighed, shaking her head.

"Don't worry Mrs. Weasley, I'll keep them under control," I assured her.

"Thank you dear," she said giving me a hug, "You three have a good year!" She called as we made our way up the steps onto the train.

We pushed through the packed corridor; excited first years ran from compartment to compartment, greeting their friends. We were supposed to meet our friend Lee Jordan, who we finally found towards the end of the train, where it was fairly quiet.

"Hey, Lee!" I say walking in, dragging my trunk with me.

"Hey!" he says giving me a hug and giving a high five to each of the twins.

We all put our trunks in the overhead compartments just as the train started leaving. I sat next to Lee and the twins sat across from us.

“How was your summer?” I ask.

“It was awesome! My family went to Germany for a few weeks and let me say: Best. Vacation. Ever! I met so many new people. And I went to this joke shop and got so many new ideas of things we could do.”

Fred and George immediately jumped on that. They were constantly looking for new ways to expand their small joke business. I have to admit they were extremely creative but I often zoned out when the three of them started coming up with new ideas for jokes. They could go on forever with ideas which were often too extravagant for us to ever be able to do. I will help them with pretty much everything else but I’m not creative or patient enough to come up with new ideas. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes; I had been up since early this morning helping get things together and was now exhausted. We had a long trip to Hogwarts, the perfect time to just relax. The rocking of the train was extremely relaxing and I was soon pulled in to the darkness of sleep.

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