Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I woke up reluctantly the next morning. The sunlight streamed through my window and I glared at it. Why couldn’t I just sleep the rest of my life? That would be so much easier than having to deal with boys. I have no idea how I’m going to help George ask Marissa to be his girlfriend today. I don’t know how he can’t tell that I don’t even want to help him. That’s just more proof of how he’ll always see me as his best friend and nothing more.

Swinging my legs over the side of my bed I look around, the room was just as deserted as it had been last night. Everyone else had early classes while I got to sleep in. Not that I minded, it was nice to be alone for a while before having to meet Fred and George. I took the longest shower I possibly could, turning my hands into soft little prunes. When I got out my hair smelled strongly of lavender, I then took extra time drying and styling it, deciding to curl it today. Once I was done with my makeup and dressed I wandered down to the common room.

“It’s about time!” Fred yelled when he looked up from his card game.

“Sleep well princess?” George added on. I glared at them both and sat down in the arm chair next to the fire place.

“You missed breakfast, just so you know. We could sneak you down to the kitchen if you’d like,” Fred said, standing up and stretching.

“I’m good. I’m not very hungry this morning.”

“Cassidy you need to eat!” George exclaimed. They hated it when I skipped meals. I just shrugged it off though. There wasn’t any reason for me not eating this morning. I just truly wasn’t hungry.

George glared at me when I didn’t move but then moved on to another topic, “So how should I do it? How should I ask Marissa out?”

“You could always just walk up to her and ask her out. That seems to work fairly well,” Fred said elbowing him.

“I want to do something different! Make it seem really cool.”

“You could swoop in on a broom and serenade her. Fly her over the black lake then have a picnic waiting on the edge of the water,” Lee laughed.

“That’s too complicated, besides I pretty sure she’s scared of heights. What do you think Cass?”

I had heard enough and tears were already stinging in my eyes, “I think you should come up with something on your own! You’re the one who wants her to be your girlfriend,” and with that I got up and walked towards the portrait hole, “I’m going to go send a letter to Sirius.”

I didn’t wait for a response before hurrying down the corridor. Last night I decided to write a quick letter to Serius, it helped me keep my mind off of George. I told him about the Triwizard Tournament and how it was going to be held at Hogwarts this year. I asked him how he was doing and if he needed anything and I also told him about how I was keeping an eye on Harry especially with the dreams he’s been having lately. I finished it off by telling him that I missed him and hoped to see him soon.

Once I reached the owlrey I walked over to one of the schools owls, holding out my arm. He hoped on to it and stuck out his leg for me to attach the letter. “To Sirius Black,” I whispered and it flew out the window. I watched it fly until I couldn’t see it anymore. I loved owls. I wish I had one as a pet. Hedwig, Harry’s owl, was absolutely gorgeous. I actually wish I had any pet. I had never gotten one but had always wanted to.

I didn’t really feel like going back to the common room so I made my way to the lake and found a spot under a tree. I gazed out over the water. It was a nice day. Not too warm but nice and sunny. The giant squid propelled itself lazily across the glassy water, creating ripples. It was relaxing to watch, it gave me something else to focus on for a while.

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