Chapter 3

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I wiped my damped lips beginning to feel nauseous as this has been the third time today I vomited. I flushed down the tissue as I went to my room to lay down as I continued to write on a new story I have been working on.

"Chloe, Chloe come downstairs your uncle is here," my mom called downstairs as I managed to get out of bed.

I struggled to walk down the stairs as I forced a smile once I met eyes with my uncle and his family.

"Chloe, you are now a big girl what's next marriage," my uncle said as my dad let out a sarcastic laugh making everyone laugh.

"How old are you now my dear," my uncle asked as I managed to answer him hoping no one is cautious of my behavior.

"Seventeen sir," I answered subconsciously as I avoided to stay nauseous.

"Wow seventeen, you really are big, hope you haven't loose your virginity you know most girls tend to loose theirs when they turn sixteen," my uncle's wife said out of the blue as my dad let out a laugh.

"I know my daughter Helen, she can't do such thing, she barely leave the house except when she's going to school, going on an errand or going to work, she is always occupied," my dad said catching me off guard making me feel a slight guilt inside.

"Yeah I know I trust her, Chloe's a good girl," my aunt said as she took a sip from her glass of orange juice.

"Chloe, what's wrong you are acting ........... different," my mom said as she was the only one who kept watching my body movement.

"N-nothing mom, I'm j-just tired that's all," I managed to say as I pretend to stretch my arms as a sign of tiredness. Truth be told, I was really tired.

"Why don't you let her go back to her room Kristine, she must have had a long day yesterday or maybe she's in her time if the month," my uncle said to my mom making her let out an eye roll.

"As if she's the only one who use to menstruate, I also menstruate but I don't get this tired, so as Helen, I don't see any point of her going to her room," my mom said as she begins to eye me suspiciously.

"Speak for yourself Kristine, I usually have to take pills so I won't die during my time of the month," Helen said indirectly taking my side. This feels weird, so weird that they had to bring this topic, mostly infront of my dad, I usually feel very uncomfortable when stuffs like this is said about me infront of my dad, it just feels weird.

"Maybe she's tired dear, she must have had a long day, you may go to your room," my dad supported as I stood up to leave, bowing before I left. How disappointed my dad will feel if he ever founds out that I lied to him about keeping my virginity, but who's going to tell him, probably not me, not in a million years, I thought as I rushed to the restroom to go throw up again leaving them with a hint of confusion but more of suspicion for my mom.

"Don't cut yourself dear", my mom said as she put the diced onion into the frying pan. I began to feel nauseous again as I rushed to the sink to throw up, as my mom kept having conclusions on her suspicion inside her head.

"That's it, we are going to the hospital," my mom said as she turned off the gas cooker as she dried her hands ready to go up to collect her car keys.

"Mom, mom nothing is wrong with me, I am fi-"

"You better keep those mouth shut young lady," you better hope it's not what I am thinking or you will be in big trouble.

"Mom listen I'm o-"

"DON'T PISS ME OFF, we are going to see the doctor and that's finally," my mom said as she rushed to her room to get her car keys. Oh Lord please let it not be what I'm thinking. 

"A pregnancy test is what you want right," the doctor said as he hands my mom a test strip making me slightly quiver in fear.

"Second floor to your right, there's a restroom there," the doctor said as he kept in going through files that were stacked on his desk.

"You heard him, take this and hurry up I don't have time to waste," my mom said handing me the test strip as I timidly made my way to the door.

I stared in horror as two coloured lines were visibly shown on the test strip.

"No no no this can't be possible, we used protection and all, impossible, how could this be," I said as tears streamed down my face. 

How I'm I going to start, I'm not ready for this, I'm not ready to be a mother. That night was a mistake, a very big mistake that I'm about to regret, I thought to myself as I brought out a test strip that I brought with me incase this ever happens.

I pry my head from the door as I kept looking for a little girl that will pee on the strip stick. I couldn't risk it, I couldn't risk being the laughing stock in both my school and my neighborhood, how disappointed my dad will feel if he ever finds out about this. 

Finally upon taking notice of a little girl, a sign of relief painted my face as I whispered for the girl to hear ushering her to come closer.

Big aunty is in trouble and you are the only one that can help her.

I'm the only one, the little girl asked innocently making me feel a little guilty for using her as bait but the urge to get out of this mess had a higher proximity.

"Yes and all you have to do is to pee on this colourful stick right here", I said as I brought the girl inside the restroom, closing the door behind me.

"Okay I will do it," the little girl said she pulled down her shorts ready to pee on the strip test as I smiled in relief. My smile grew even louder as only one visible colour could be shown on the stick.

"Thank you," I said as I took the girl outside as I shut the door behind me, I couldn't help it, I was desperate. I broke the other test strip as I hid it behind the toilet in one of the cubicles.

"What took you so," my mom said as she dragged the test strip from my hands.

"Sorry I kind of ....... lost my way," I said as I thought of what to say.

"Give it to me," the doctor said as he ushered my mom to hand over the test strip as she immediately obliged.

"Congratulations Chloe Smith, you are  ........ not pregnant," the doctor said making my mom let out a sigh of relief I never knew she was holding.  

"You better thank your stars Chloe, I would have sent you packing," my mom said as she looked at me in a threatening way.

"I told you I wasn't, trying believing me for once," I said as I indirectly scolded my mom.

"Don't you dare sass my, I will be in the car, thank you doctor," my mom said as she stood up to leave.

"Umm so about that test, it was kind of maybe f-"

"Fake," the doctor said catching me off guard as he completed my sentence

"How did you-"

"We have had several case like this," the doctor said again cutting me off from my sentence 

"I would love to apply for an IAB," I said straightforwardly

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