Chapter 7

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Never in my life did I have had the thought of being homeless not to talk of being pregnant at such a young age. Taking one last sigh, I push open the door to the cafe I worked at as I proceeded further with two purpose in mind. One, to find at least a place to sleep until I put to bed and two, to beg my boss to allow me continue working here because she has a strict policy of no pregnant woman is allowed to work here. Dear Lord please let this pass me by. Are this the tribulations single mothers are put into at such a young age. I let a tear slip down my eyes as I saw Aiden giving me a hurt yet judging look. Moving closer to him I wanted to hug him to cry my heart out, my pain out. For too long I have remained strong, I needed to let everything out. Aiden seeing my state that I will break down any moment, came running towards me as he engulfed me in the tightest hug we have ever engaged in. I felt the back of my shirt wet as it was being stained with Aiden's tears.

"Why,", he asked as he continued to cry not minding wether the people in the cafe was giving weird looks most especially me since I didn't wear a baggy clothes today, besides people were going to know sooner or later.

"I'm sorry," was the only thing I could let out as it was being muffled in cries. Everything just happened under the twinkle of an eye, Chloe what have you done, who have you wrong. A man's downfall doesn't start from the moment he did wrong, but from the moment he was born, it was just waiting for the time to manifest. Oh Lord be my refuge.

"Chloe," my boss said as she kept looking at me in shock, two things was for sure visible in her eyes, the feeling of betrayal and hurt.

"You promised," she said as a tear slipped down her face

"I'm sorry, I promise to keep my virginity but I failed,not only to you but to the people around me," I cried as I went up to her which made her jolt back in disgust, probably irritated and disgusted by my presence. Let's put it like this, if you ever discovered that your mom slept with another man, that feeling and attitude you will have towards her, the feeling of betrayal, hurt and disgust, that is what she felt at that moment. I just lowered my head in shame as I let the tears fall freely from my eyes. That man was right, I should stop living a life if shame and just end my life to end this disgrace. To all the girls that open their legs for men because they feel they trust them, because the guy promised you the whole world, because he showed you what love was at that moment, I just have one thing to say, fear men. That parable us wrong, scratch that for men's heart are the ones who is as deep as the ocean.

"You know you can't work here," my boss said as she stared blankly at me which made me throw myself on my knees because this is the only hope I have to ever survive and take care of my baby.

"No please don't do this to me please I beg of you, how will I survive, how will I take care of my child, okay you can half my salary but please don't send me away for I have no place to go," I cried as I held unto her leg making her jolt back making my hands land freely on the floor

"You know the rules of this cafe but still you went to open your legs for that hippocrate that got you pregnant, I'm sorry Chloe but there is nothing I can do, please leave, I'm just being nice on you because you used to be my best worker so I will kindly say again, leave," my boss said as she raised her hand towards the direction of the door.

"Please ma I beg of you, have mercy, okay you can quarter my salary, I just need money to at least feed myself and go for antenatal , please ma I'm begging you please," I continued to cry as I crawled towards her making her backed away again as she became a little furious.

"Okay that's it, you are leaving this place now, I can't harbor a girl that is so loose so she could seduce my customers," my boss said as she dragged me away from the cafe undermining my constant pleading and struggling. Finally dragging me out the door, she threw my luggage away as I crawled towards her for her to at least show mercy.

"Now listen, the next time I see you her, I won't hesitate to call the police, you are not a part of us anymore or should I make it clear to you, Chloe you are fired," my boss said as she eyed my with pure distaste before she went back to the cafe. Passerbys around me kept giving me weird looks as they gossiped among themselves, some throwing me weird looks and some were taking pictures of me as I lowered my head in shame to cry. Oh Lord, for how long will I suffer like this. Finally gathering the courage to get up, I took my luggage as I continued to walk down the road with my despair being my control, and loneliness my companion.

As I continued to roam round the street like a helpless prodigal daughter, what I'm I saying, that's who I am, a helpless prodigal daughter, a miserable one at that, the sunrise turned into dawn as I now quivered to the thought of spending another night in the street until I realized that I was right in front of the only house I could seek refuge in, my best friend's house, Aiden's home. Finally gathering the strength to go closer, I tiredly knocked on the door as I waited patiently for someone to open it of which no response could be heard from the other side as I kept knocking. Finally tired as I accepted my fate, I was about to leave when I heard the door click open making turn around as I was greeted with someone I never expected to see at this hour.

"Yes who are you, why are you here, my son never got you pregnant so leave you have got the wrong house," the lady said not allowing me to explain myself. Finally coming to my rescue, Aiden pushed past his mom as he comes to hug me making my heart heavy by every passing second.

"I'm sorry, for all what you are passing through but if I may ask, why are you here at this hour, isn't it a little late," Aiden asked making me break down again

"I got thrown out of the house," I said as Aiden hugged me again as a way to comfort me .

"I'm so sorry to hear that but don't worry, cry no more for you will be living with u-"

"You lie Aiden you lie, not in this house, I can't allow a  girl who is pregnant live with us knowing fully that you are not the one responsible for the pregnancy and expect you to take responsibility of another man's actions, no Aiden my word is final," Aiden's mom said as I stared at her with my tear stained face.

"Mom please, she's my best friend, I can't let her wander around the city knowing full well that I could help her, that you could help her," Aiden said as he finds a way to convince his mom into let me live with them

"No, now listen, I don't ever want to know who got you pregnant, you can't just get pregnant out of wedlock and come here for my son to take full responsibility for it, now leave here and leave us alone, I don't ever want to see you here ever again, bye," Aiden's mom said as she dragged him into the house closing the door behind her. I continued to cry as I heard muffled arguments. Why me Lord, haven't I suffered enough. Finally accepting my faith, I let out one last sigh as I stood up to leave, to a place my void seems to rest upon for I just began the journey of life. Single mothers are indeed strong

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