Chapter 8

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"Please ma it's just $1 it's really good, you need to try it," I begged the woman as I persuade her into buying my oranges.

"Okay fine I will but only because of that child you are carrying," the woman said before accepting the oranges from me making me thank her as I continued to hawk my oranges. It's been six months since I got pregnant and I can't even remember when last I went for antenatal due to the lack of financial support so I decided to start selling oranges with the little savings I had so I could have at least make a little money to pay for my hospital bills after delivery. I barely have a place to rest, sometimes I sleep in the entrance of closed stores, sometimes under the bridge and even in most times I would be found sleeping in the parks. Indeed I have lived the life of a dog's breakfast. 

"Orange, orange, please come," I heard someone call on my business making me turn my head to see who wants to buy my oranges. Today has been good, sales has really been going well today. Running to go sell for the person who was standing across the road, I was too oblivious to the fact that a moving car kept honking at me as it came full speed at me. Already coming to a halt, the car still manage to hit me making my tray of oranges fly across the round as my oranges came scattering on the road. I wanted to scream and curse the person for causing this damage but my anger seemed to subdue in severe pain as I held my stomach in agony. Seeing this action that happened, the person decided to alight from it's car as the guy came into view.

"Ma'am are you okay, I'm so sorry," the guy said as he hurries up to me as I screamed in agony. My stomach and my lower back ached so bad that even changing positions wouldn't work. I began having contractions as I felt something wet flowing down my private area. Already realizing that my water broke and I have been thrown into early labour, I started taking in small breathe as I tried rubbing my tummy to at least ease the pain but none seemed to work. 

Already realizing that I'm in labour, some of the women kept shouting at the man that doesn't he know I am in labor and he should quickly take me to the hospital making the man come back to his senses as the man carried my slowly to his car as he drove away to the nearest hospital.

"Nurse, anybody, ma'am, ma'am please help she's in labor," the guy called out to any lady and nurses he saw making him feel desperate and anyone seeing this act could easily detect that he has never experience seeing someone in labor before.

"Bring her here," one of the nurses said as she and two other nurse hurried to where I was with a stretcher.

Already arriving in the ward, I realized that I would be put into water birth delivery as there was a birthing pool placed in the middle of the ward with the nurses helping me walk towards it as they place me in the birthing pool afterwards. The nurses and the doctor kept say soothing words to ease my stress as they kept giving words if encouragement. After enough screams and pushing the baby finally came out as the doctor carried the child making it voice echo round the walls of the ward which brought a tear to my eyes. Finally cutting the placenta, the doctor told a nurse to take my baby to a neonatal nurse as the rest nurses tried to clean me up. 

Few minutes passed and the nurse came back with my baby for breast feeding.

"So what do you want to name him," the doctor asked as all the nurses left leaving me with the doctor. I just looked down to my baby who was busy feeding from me. How pitied I felt for my child, how cruel I was to drag my child into this cruel and sinful world.

"Hope, because he's the only hope I have now, that everything will be alright,"

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