Chapter 4

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"How old are you," the doctor asked in the same tone as mine

"Seventeen," I answered as I bite the wall of my inside cheeks trying to calm down my anxiety.

"You seem too young for an abortion, people your age doesn't have an upper hand in this," the doctor said as I scrunched my face in confusion.

"What do you mean," I asked as confusion laced my voice.

"What I'm saying is that ......... it's a fifty fifty chance you get to survive this abortion," the doctor said as my heart sank.

"I want to do this, do you think I can bear that shame of being called the girl that couldn't keep her legs closed, how do you think my parents would react, how do you think my dad would react, I'm my parents only child, how do you think they would react if their only child got pregnant at the age of seventeen. Please sir, just do this for me, I beg of you, I can't risk the chance to suffer that emotional, physical and financial trauma early parent are being thrown at at a very young age so I beg of you ........ please, help me," I said as I threw away my pride as tears streamed down my face.

"It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just the fact of you loosing your life, like I said before, it's a fifty fifty chance you would survive this," the doctor said as I lost all hopes, how could he say this, there are many girls my age that have had IAB before and they have survived it, why is it going to be different for me.

"Look the only way I can help is, I would advice you to discuss this with the guy that got you pregnant, ask him if his willing to keep the child of which I doubt he will," the doctor said as I stared at him with a little hint of anger.

"How are you sure about that," I asked

"Like I said before, we have had lots of cases like this," the doctor said as he rested his back on his swivel chair making me scoff in annoyance.

"Good day," I said as I stormed out of his office, how could he say that about Cole, he doesn't know him, but he is right, I really need to discuss this with Cole, I thought to myself as I hasten up my speed due to the honking of my mom's car. 

"What is it," Aiden said as I didn't take notice that he was watching me from afar catching me off guard.

"What do you mean," I said as I gained my composure.

"Something's bothering you, what is it," he said as he folded his arms waiting for an explanation 

"It's nothing okay, I just had a long day that's all," I said silently praying that he will drop this topic.

"Chloe," Aiden said giving that look, the look that always meant that I'm hiding something.

"You're my best friend and I know when you are lying, what's wrong," he said as kept persuading me to tell him what happened.

"I'm pregnant," I said as I struggled to hide my tears

"Oh," Aiden said as those words hit him hard, how could it be, he thought out loudly before his face scrunch up in pure distaste and scowl, how scary he was at that moment but I can't blame him, I would have done the same thing 

"What the fuck did he do to yo-"

"Would you quiet down a little, literally everyone can hear you!," I whispered yell at his sudden outburst.

"How did this happen, what happened to no sex before marriage, have you tried taking IAB," Aiden bombarded me with questions leaving me with little to know time to answer.

"Even I don't know, all I could remember was taking some alcohol then that's all," I said as I try remember all that happened that night with little details coming into blur. That's what I thought till I remembered smoking some pipe that Cole handed me, making shake my head in agony as I regretted ever following Cole that day 

"That douche bag actually had the balls to drug you," Aiden said as rage laced his voice 

"He did but it was at my own will, I was drunk and I fucked up, I fucked up real bad !," I said as I let those tears fall making him hug me in a comforting manner.

"The doctor said that it's a fifty fifty chance that I could survive the IAB, I don't want to be a mother now, I'm not ready for this!!," I shouted but loud enough for him to hear making him shocked by my sudden outburst.

"You have to discuss this with that moron, it's not something you can decide on your own, you gotta let him know besides, he's the father of the child," Aiden said with pure disgust.

"You are right I should probably let him know," I said as I planned on what to tell Cole once we meet.

"Hey love," Cole said as he backed hug me before placing a kiss on my neck before gradually going down to my chest, I would have given in to him if not that I already had something going on in my life.

"Cole, Cole please stop this," I said as I resist the urge to kiss him.

"What is it, I'm I not being romantic enough for you," he said as he moved further as he slammed his lips on my neck again making me jolt backwards as I was not willing to let time repeat itself, can't afford to make more mistakes.

"I'm pregnant," I said catching him off guard as I hold my breath anxiously waiting for him to respond as I saw him let out a laugh.

"You are kidding right," he said hoping he could find any trace of humor on my face but my face was plain as a white sheet.

"Then why are you telling me this, why don't you go ask all the guys you slept with because we used protection," Cole said as he rested his arm on the rail of the park that we usually meet when we have something important to say as he stared at the beautiful view of the lake before him.

"What are you saying Cole, you are the only guy I have slept with," I said with slight hurt being visible in my voice.

"No I'm not, now listen you can't just go sleep with some other guy and come meet me to take responsibility for another guy's actions so it's either you go for an IAB or you train that thing yourself," Cole said as he pointed to my tommy before walking out on me.

"Cole no no you can't do this to me, please no I beg of you, the doctor said it's a fifty fifty chance I might get to survive if I did an abortion," I said throwing away my pride as I knelt down before him.

"So, how's that my business, you know what, it's over !, don't ever come near me, don't even bother calling me and next time I see you cross path with me again, I swear I won't be funny," Cole said as he pushed passed me and walked away making me fall out of the sudden pressure.

"Cole please come back, Cole please don't do this to me I beg of you," I cried as the rain cried with me, the doctor was right , he will never take responsibility for his action

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