Chapter 5

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~4 months later~

It's been three month now since I discovered that I got pregnant. My life has been a mess, everything has been turning against me, Cole abandoning me on the louche, I started getting low grades in school up to the extent of me getting kicked out of school by the authorities so as not to tarnish their name and reputation. How I wish I would have listened to my instinct the day I got laid. How stupid of me. Now the baby bump has started showing which leaves me in so much worry because my parents have started getting suspicious of me. I even had to wear oversized clothes that could even cover me whole to keep the baby bump from showing. I kept soliloquizing to myself as I unlocked the door to my house flopping down on one of the sofas. My parents came running down dressed in their fancy attires. Did I forget to say this, my parents are rich business people who are into business administration as my dad is the CEO of Smith's Franchise. Now you see, I only took a part time job because my parents sees me as a spoilt girl who depends on them for her every needs so they cut me off from their financial support till I turn twenty one so I could know how hard it is to make money.

"Baby guess what," my mom said all getting excited, leaving me all confused.

"What is it ?, what, please tell me I'm not good at guessing," I said trying to hide how weak I am.

"Love tell her," my mom said as she face my dad eager for him to say what is behind her excitement.

"You know that company that your mom and I have spent years trying to partner with," my dad hesitated trying to test if I'm good at coherence.

"The Wang Company in Australia right ?," I asked trying to clear the fact that I remembered.

"Yes so they have decided to accept our offer of partnering with us so we are supposed to meet today and one of our immediate family member can be there so you are coming with us," my dad said as I stared at him in disbelief not wanting to step out of the house.

"Why me, you got mom and you both are in the same company which makes it even better," I said trying to find my way out of this situation. 

"We are both colleagues so she can't be my plus one and vice versa and you are the only child we have so you are coming with us and that's an order," my dad said making me groan as I hid my face under the pillow.

Everyone feels so sophisticated, even their children were dressed in fancy attires. Some wore a very expensive jewelry that I guess would be up to one million dollars or more while I'm wearing, well I'm wearing a jewelry, it's not that expensive but it's what I get from being cut off from my parents financially. I held unto my stomach as I felt a movement going on inside of it. Some people kept giving me weird look as the shirt I wore was too big for my stature, but what can I do, who wants to get disown at an early age.

"Next time, I get to choose your clothes," my mom said as my parents showed the guards their id so we can proceed into the VIP room.

Every one in the room felt so intimidating, their outfits is something I would never buy no matter how much money I have as I feel it will be a waste of money. Timidly following my parents, I sat on one of the chairs that surrounded a conference table opposite a guy that I assumed was my age but his aura was very intimidating as it felt like he didn't care about the meeting they were about to hold.

I turned towards the door looking at people entering as a group of people entered being followed by bodyguards but they stopped by the door as the shut the door closed. The people then proceed to the front of the conference room as everyone stood up to welcome them.

"I welcome you all here who was able to make it to this great meeting. As you all know we are one of the best freelancing company in the world and each and everyone of you here controls one of the leading companies. I hope we can both benefit from each other and I'm looking forward to partnering with you all," a man who was holding a walking stick said. Even he's walking stick was fancy, I bet that stick could buy my whole wardrobe, I thought to myself as I watch the man swing the stick to which way he pleases as he continues to explain the reasons why he gathered us here.

"I know you all may be wandering why we asked you to bring an immediate family member. Well you see this is a business contract between us all and you all need a next of kin to witness and sign the contract in case something ever happens to any of you as we don't want anything to tarnish our partnership that could earn us alot of money. So one by one each of you will come up with your next of kin to sign the contract," the man said as family after family went up to the podium to sign their contract till it got to my parents turn.

As we marched the podium, I tripped and fell as the oversized shirt I wore went up revealing the baby bump leaving everyone in pure shock including my parents.

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