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Once we finished up in the shower... and actually showered, we got dried up and I put my robe back on while he had to put the clothes he slept in on because he could walk out naked or in a towel to a room with two other boys, and then run across the hall to his room where he could bump into one of my family members. 

He snuck out of the room and I decided to let my hair airdrop while I began my makeup again. I started doing my mascara when I was rudely interrupted. 

"Yoo! Next time you two do what you just did try a little harder to keep it down?" yelled a very annoyed Jude Bellingham of course. 

I stayed silent not knowing what to say. I finished up my makeup and put my hair into a slick back high ponytail, put my clothes on and left the bathroom. 

I met myself with both Enzo and Jude standing in front of me with their arms crossed and that mom look of disappointment with the head tilt. 

"Hi, how are you two on this lovely sunny morning?" I ask them trying to ease the awkwardness. 

"Oh, we are completely fine. How about you? Anything new in your life?" asks Enzo, coming close to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 

"Uhm, no not particularly." I answered moving away to put my dirty clothes in the hamper. 

"Oh really? No new guy in your life in some romantic way?" He asks back, trying to get through me. 

"Oh well, maybe this one guy but it's not quite official yet so I'm not super sure what it is." I reply leaving the room, finally ending the conversation. 

We all made our way downstairs to find my family plus João who was helping my mom serve the breakfast. 

We all sat down at the table and prayed before eating. We all talked, and had a good time and as we finished we all helped clean up. 

The boys and I decided that we were gonna head down to the beach and I was gonna show them my favorite restaurant. I hurried upstairs, changing into my bikini and some shorts on top, not being bothered to wear a top. The boys were already waiting for me downstairs so when I went down we left. 

The boys had asked if I could Invite some of the Barca boys so I agreed. I called Gavs, Frankie along with Mikky, Torre, Terran along with Sira, and Ansu with Lucia and they all agreed to come but only if Pedri could too. I mentioned it to the boys and they all agreed so we said it was alright. 

Obviously João looked the most skeptical but he agreed none the less. We arrived and settled down, sending my location to the others so they would know where to find us. We set up everything, and I pulled out my book and tied up my hair before pulling off my shorts and laying down to sun tan for a bit. 

The boys settled down quickly, jumping into the water then running right back out as soon as they felt cold it was. They started setting up a soccer field, which was obviously gonna happen. 

I put my attention back to my book for a while until João can and laid down next to me. I smiled at him before turning back to my book. Obviously that didn't work for him as he began poking me anywhere he could, especially my ass. 

"Yes João? Is there something you need?" I asked him, looking over at him. 

"Hi." he smiled at me, shoving his head into me. 

"Hi cutie, what's up?" I say, putting my hand in his hair to scratch it. 

"Not much, just missed you." he replied, moaning to my motions. 

I smile at him, returning to my book but not stoping my movements. He stays with me for a little before he stands up, I look up and noticed he had left to greet everyone who had just arrived so I followed.

I went around greeting everyone, well almost, I had one left. 

"Hi Pedri, how are you?" I ask him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Uhm I could be doing better, but thanks. How about you?" he replied. 

"I'm good, thanks." I said. The conversation kind of ended so I turned around and walked back, over to João who put his arm over me. 

We talked with everyone for a while until the boys decided to start their game. As the boys began making their teams all the girls plus myself settled down to tan for a while longer. We talked about all we could until they finally brought the cat out of bag. 

"So Isa, what's up with you and João?" asked a very interested Sira. 

"Oh yea, that's a very good question Sira, I've been thinking the same thing!" added Mikky. 

"I already know everything anyway but I still wanna hear." said Lucia. 

"Uhm, I'm not too sure yet. I all I know is I really like him and he really likes me and I think this might be a chance to finally be happy with someone." I answered, smiling over at my boy who gave me one back. 

"Awwww, that's so cute. To be honest, that's kind of what I felt like with Ferran. I had gotten out of a super shit relationship at the time and my dad was being super over-protective and didn't even let me look at guy, so when I got the chance to meet him at international break it was like we just clicked. He was the one for me and I was the one for him and everyone around us knew that." said a very excited Sira. 

I smiled over at her, appreciating the confession. After a little while longer of talking, the boys had finished up their game and came to sit down next to us. João laid his head on my lap, most of the boyfriends doing the same or similar to their girlfriends too. 

I looked around, starting to be pleased with how my life was slowly begin to come together again. 

Maybe it wasn't with the people I originally wanted it to be with, but at least I got to be with people I love none the less, even if the one I can't seem to stop loving is sitting on the other side of this circle of people while the one I'm starting to love is sitting with me, being there for me every moment like I need him to be. 

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now