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After she explained to him was a cigar she noticed Merlin, who was no longer at her side but now at Minhos side. She suddenly tripped forwards, only then noticing Gally who had just stormed past her like a child having a tantrum.

"Gally, what the hell do you think your doing?" She scoffed as she watched him turn to meet her gaze.

"What do you think I'm doing?" He shot.

"What don't you understand-"

"Your not better than any of us, do you know that? Your no less fucked up, if anything your more. Trying to act all smart doesn't make you any-"

"What did you just say to me?"

"What have you lost the ability to hear?"

"Mother fuck-" she began before launching a dagger into his direction. It skimmed the side of his face as Minho had moved him quickly from a direct hit.

"You two need to grow up," Newt scoffed as he stepped in between the two "It's like being with two toddlers and a toy train,"

"Newt stay out of it," She warned not turning her gaze from Gally.

"Why? What are you going to do, throw more knives,"

"Yeah and next time I'll make sure to get in it the hot air that you call a brain,"

"Jennifer if you scratch him-" Newt continued.

"Newt I swear to god if you don't step away in five seconds I'll dart this dagger through both of your hearts in a row," She threatened bringing a sharp dagger into her grasp.

"Jennifer you need to calm down-" Jorge began

"I wouldn't worry, she won't do anything anyways," Gally teased looking at Jennifer with a smirk.

"Bastard!" She yelled going to throw the dagger before Newt's hand caught her wrist meaning her dagger plummeted to the ground in front of Gally. She looked at Newt, her eyes full of fury and his of worry. She quickly threw him from her hands and headed towards Gally.

She was inches away from Gally's face before Newt slid in the middle of the two, blocking their view. "Newt!" She shouted going to push him away.

"Right children, you two need to calm down," Jorge scoffed looking at Jennifer from Gally's shoulder.

"Little fucker," Jennifer whispered, her words harsh and sharp before she pushed away from Newt and the group, breathing heavily.

"Jenny, what the hell was that?" Newt breathed as he walked towards her.

"Your asking me? What the fuck were you doing, this is what you get wrong Newt. I will kill you, I will kill any of you in a blink. When I tell you to move you do, now get lost," She shot harshly, her eyes were cold and looked through him as if he was glass.

They looked at each other for a minute before Jennifer barged past him. Merlin and Minho thought the whole thing was ridiculous, only watching from afar while Merlin mentally shook his head at the two.

Thomas watched the whole thing, careful not to get involved as deep down there was a bit of envy towards Jennifer in how she could speak to Gally like that. The confidence she had to argue with him, and threaten him was something Thomas had to push for at the best of times. He quite enjoyed watching Gally get speaking to he had been due for a while.

Newt thought about what Jennifer had said, he thought that maybe Jennifer was a bit nicer to him because she liked him more than the others but not. Her words were so violent and her eyes were flooded with, metaphorically, blood.

Part of him knew she was right, she would kill any of them. She had proven that and has continued to prove it. But keeping her with the group is dangerous, they can try and keep Jennifer and Gally apart the best they can but that doesn't mean they'll be successful.

It didn't take long for the group to return to their normal chatter and long line as they walked. Thomas and Newt side by side,

"They're going to kill each other," Thomas breathed.

"Now, I wouldn't go skipping to any conclusions. Gally might push her but he won't actually kill her," Newt bargained, not sure if he was trying to convince Thomas or himself.

"Buts it's Jennifer I'm worried about. She will killl him,"

"Yeah... I suppose but I wouldn't worry, Tommy," Newt sighed before glancing behind to Jennifer. She locked eyes with him for a second, they were narrowed, sharp like a dagger before she looked away.

Newt looked back forwards thinking for a long moment "I think I should talk to her..."

"Do you really think that's the best idea?"

"No," Newt replied quickly before he took another glance behind. Before she looked back at him Gally appeared behind, blocking his view. "Gally, what the bloody hell were you doing?" Newt asked quickly

"Me? Your little girlfriend threatened to kill me,"

"You can't get on her nerves like that okay? We need her. You piss her off and we loose her. So from now on, you try and stay on her good side, got it?" Gally only rolled his eyes pushing in between the two.

"You all right?" A voice asked from the side of Jennifer.

"Who the hell are you?" She furrowed her brows at him,


"Oh, yeah I've heard of you,"

"Ive never seen anyone speak to Gally like that, I'm impressed,"

"Yeah thanks, only took a couple of daggers thrown and some threats," she said making Fry laugh.

"I think Newt wants to talk to you,"

"What makes you say that?"

"Keeps turning around looking at you, think he's checking your okay or something,"


"You were pretty harsh to him earlier you know? He was just trying to protect you,"

"What from? Gally?" Jennifer scoffed.

"No from the consequences if you did hurt Gally,"

"What would they be?"

"We'd probably have to leave you,"

"Well that makes it appealing," she sighed making Fry laugh again.

"I'm gonna leave some room for Newt..."

"No Fry-" she began before he walked off.

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