Chapter 1

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Suddenly waking up, I feel around my body in a panic, not sure what the hell was happening as I sit up on my bed, wondering what kind of nightmare that was. Shaking my head at how real it felt, I rub my face and say to myself, "Of course I'm the only loser with this Rune shit." The dream to a school in the human world for a month and getting kicked out of school was ridiculous. I couldn't even think about how stupid it was that I believed aliens were real. I think, "But.. We literally live in a monster world... How could they not be real?" I felt the doubt of both sides as my alarm sets off, making me rush to the shower for school as I can't help but think about those new girls I met in my dream. They were cute too, though I bet they were just based off some cuties that went to the school. I put my uniform on and put in my earbuds, remembering to take my book as I shove the little shit in my jacket pocket and whistle along the dirt road. I pass by the diner Tamara had and go to say hi as the thought of walking together sounded romantic; Until I pulled the door to find that it was locked, making me raise an eyebrow and look up at the sign, noticing that there was nothing up there as I look down at the ground, questioning what was real and what wasn't at this point! Taking a few steps back, I feel a drop hit my neck, making me look up at the dark clouds rolling in while I spot Layla walking down the road with her arms folded. Not wanting to get soaked in the rain, I jog over to her and say with a smile, "Hey baby, you mind flying us so we don't get drenched? Plus what happened to Tamara's shop?" She looks at me with disgust written all over her face, almost worrying me as I ask confused over whatever I had done wrong, "Uh, what I'd do this time Layla?" Looking me up and down, she mutters, "Ugh, creep." Walking away without another word as I furrow my brows, confused as I question how much of that damn dream was even real. But how could I know her name right? This has gotta be a joke or.. Maybe another memory wipe? Walking down the same road, I watch her with suspicion, holding myself back from chasing after her just in case I was indeed just some creep who fantasized about dating that fine vampire ass. Looking at my rune, I tilt my head, wondering what really happened. I even had the rune even though... Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, calming myself down as I try to trigger my combat state to go super Alizé! I see ripples of green lightning ripple through the ground around me, but it all suddenly fades away in an instant as I fall over on my face, buried into the dirt road as I felt exhausted. I question myself, "Was the whole super shit made up too? I caused the lightning but..." My body tried to fall asleep as I felt myself nodding off, not wanting to get up as I accepted that I may have needed a nap. I close my eyes for a moment, not weary of how muddy the road will be if I don't get a move on.

Feeling light, I try to open my eyes but to no avail as they kept shutting. I feel something touching my back as the thought of the land piranhas eating me sent adrenaline across my body, spooking me wide awake as I roll off of whatever was holding me and hitting the grass below! Rubbing my neck, I look over and see that Layla was standing above me with her arms still folded, but with a mad look as she asked, "What the hell is wrong with you guy?" Guy? Sitting up, I question my girl, "Layla, do you not know who I am?" Rolling her eyes, she responds annoyed, "The creep who asked for a ride? Yeah." Worried, I look at my feet, feeling sick to my stomach with confusion as she asks with a slight gentler tone, "I don't really know you, we just talked yesterday a few times. I don't even remember your name to be square." Wait, so am I barely on the second day of school? Did I time travel after my death? IS THIS A TIME LOOP?! Panicking, I get up and tell her, "Layla, I know this is going to sound extremely weird to you, but.." She shakes her head saying, "I don't got time for this guy." She then walks inside of the school as I follow along, worried that I'll lose my chance as I ask, "Please Layla! It's urgent! Can we talk?!" She turns around pissed off saying with anger filled eyes, "WHAT?! I HAVE CLASS TO GET TO CREEP!" Pissed off too, I say with spite, "Shut the fuck up you blood sucking bitch. I can't believe I have to talk like this to you again but here the fuck we go." I open my mouth as I could see the impatience in her eyes, making me understand that I could save it for later as I sigh and tell the white-haired beauty, "I.. I'm sorry for bothering you. May we speak during lunch? It really is important." I could see the anger slowly fade from her eyes as I add, "Please?" She doesn't look away and sighs, nodding while she responds, "Fine. Where do you want to meet?" I instantly reply, "The rooftop. Bring your lunch." She rolls her eyes and walks away from me, heading to class as I look at the lockers all around me with the worry that I'd have to probably correct the timeline... Though I can hardly remember the little things I've done. Heading into class, I sit at my desk as she looks at me with frustration, worried that I'd break my promise and bother her all throughout class, but I had other things on my mind. How much could I remember? I lay back in my chair with my eyes closed, thinking, "Okay so I remember getting scratched by that werewolf guy, meeting Layla on the rooftop, saving Anna from that fox, tripping over Koko... I think I also tripped over Steph during P.E? Oh yeah, that's when I kissed Koko, forcing our bond. I meet Tamara and Sahara in the club, I don't recall how I met Diandria though." Focusing on the rest of my stuff, I hear my name get called as I look towards the front at Baldy McGee and tilt my head, remembering the whole name thing and sigh, walking to the front of the classroom as I halfheartedly say, "Name's Alizé, don't bother remembering it because I don't even know most of you in the long run. Oh and just to rip the band aid off now, I'm human." They all gasp as I turn towards the teacher with a grin saying, "Soon to be Green Runester too." Rubbing my chin, I recall out loud, "Plus I think I'm infected by lycanthropy. Anywho, I eventually date a few of you girls in here." I point at the girls one by one, saying their names, "Koko, Anna, Layla, shoot I even date the principal and like sixteen others. Even your other half Koko." Confused beyond belief, I feel worried that I said to much and clear my throat, excusing myself as I sit back down in silence. The whole classroom was staring at me with mixed reactions, making me close my eyes once again as I think, "Steph lives with me for a bit, Layla joins in, Koko too when we activate Bella, I don't remember how I met Amanda, I think Elia and I met when I had to stay at the castle overnight. I think I go to the human world for about a week or two later on where I'll meet Nicole and Susan and Alice during Christmas?" I didn't want to think about the rest of the ladies when I was this far back from actually meeting them, who knows what messed up shit will happen if... I recall hearing about Anna getting mauled to death by the werefox tonight! I didn't even save her earlier so... FUCK!" Looking over at the blue crayon, I felt my stomach twist and turn, imagining how brutal things were going to be as I feel the urge to cry and hold her close to me. How could I save her against the werefox? LAYLA! She fought him off me once before, so she could definitely keep her safe! Rubbing my fingers in excitement, I wait for the bell to ring as I rush to the locker room, changing and rushing outside to see all the girls I could. Looking around, I spot the beautiful red head doing some stretches under a tree as I rush over to the demon before it's too late. Walking when closer, I call out so she could hear me, "Hey Tamara!" She looks back at me confused as I do a quick wave, giving me her fake smile as she awkwardly replies, "Hey...?" Sucking in some air, I tell her, "I need to tell you something important, please just listen, okay?" She shakes her head and gently says, "Oh no thank you, I'm not interested. I prefer to be single." I try to argue against it, but I hear somebody behind me ask, "Is this chump bothering you Tammy?" Recognizing her little Elf voice, I ask while turning around, "Sahara?" She looks at me with disgust as I tell her with a serious tone, "You'll need to hear this too." She furrows her brow and says, "The fuck, hell no you creep." Rolling my eyes, I turn back to Tamara saying with my hands clasped together, "Please, it's not to date you, it's about our future!" She looks serious and replies, "I won't even give thought to a future with you creep." That word man, it kept coming up and I was getting pissed. Clenching my fists, I go silent, wanting to tell them about the original timeline or whatever but feeling my younger self's worry kick in. I forgot that this body hasn't been showed love yet; It was still hateful and scared of rejection. Sahara then finalizes my thoughts as she says, "Get out of here you fucking loser. No one even wants to date you." I felt my composure snap as I snarl, "Would you two just SHUT THE FUCK UP?! I'm not here to fucking ask your fucking dumbasses out! It's a God damn urgent matter and regardless of what you fucking idiots think, I need to tell you both something!" I feel my face twitching in anger as they go silent, not knowing what to say as I hear another familiar voice ask with concern, "What's the problem here you three? Tam?" I look at Diana and say with pained tears wanting to leave my eyes, "Diandria... I... I need to talk with you too." She folds her arms saying, "That's Miss Diandria to you kid." I feel my body weaken from the inner pain I had with women coming back, making me lay my back against the tree as I slide down it, worried I may never even get to have the same future with the loves of my life. They all stay silent as I simply say, "The future is at stake... And it involves all of you. More even. I have so much to tell you bunch but... Today has been one big fucking disaster." They stay silent as Tamara and Diandria look at each other, not speaking as I recall all I've been through with a single tear streaking down my cheek. I was nothing but a broken kid again. A nobody with his Rune that doesn't even work. Was I still destined to get it from the library though? Lower my head into my knees, I wrap my arms around my legs and worry. I then hear a small gasp that leads me to look up at them, seeing Tamara with her hands covering her mouth. Diandria looked worried as I comment, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot you two can read minds. Did you see the original you's?" They look at each other as Tamara asks, "Wait, but how... Do you know us?" Before I could answer, Diandria looks at me asking, "This is something that needs to be talked about in my office. Let's go kid." I stand up worried and ask, "WAIT! Diandria, may I ask you to bring along some other students that need to know about this too?" She looks back at me, thinking about it as she asks, "Who?" Feeling relieved that I may be able to get this love earlier on, I tell her, "Layla the Vampire princess, Koko the succubus, Anna the Ice woman, you three of course, Steph the Shadow stalker and soon to be Angel, Betty the Reaper, Sora the dragonoid and Amanda the half cat succubus. There's more but you have no way of getting them at this point in time." She looks shocked as she stutters, "The... Angel?" I nod and say, "I'll explain everything I can when we gather the group. I'll meet you all in there." I rush to the locker room to change and make my way to the office, excited to tell them all about all the adventures we went through together over the years.

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