Chapter 2

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My heart skyrockets as I sit up, sweating heavily while I rub my head wondering why I was in such a panic? I didn't even have any dreams so far, so a nightmare was out of the question. It could potentially be... My eyes light up with panic as I hop out of bed and dash to Layla next door, remembering the fire as I reach for the doorknob and stop, remembering how hot it'd probably be and pull my hand back, taking in a deep breath as I use all my force to kick the door, taking a few hits before it cracked, giving me the chance to charge into it as the door flies open! I quickly get up telling Layla, "STOP! THIS IS WHAT I WARNED YOU ABOUT! IT'LL... What?" Layla was sitting at a chair with Elia, talking with cups of tea in their hands while I blink in confusion. This isn't how things worked out and I feared tragedy but suck it in and say with a nod to Elia, "Hey Elia." She quickly stands up and in one fell swoop, grabs a knife before getting me in a bad position. The knife was over the side of my throat as she scarily asked, "Who are you and why say my name?" I chuckle to myself nervously, asking back, "Hehe... Did Layla manage to uh... Tell you the story yet?" She looks at her and responds, "Regardless, who are you to barge in? Why should the princess trust the words of a filthy human?" I smirk, fearing for my life but recalling the original Elia's training as I reply, "You're half that filthy species fool. Plus..." I twist her wrist and reach over my shoulder, grabbing the back of her maid outfit and yeet her into the floor before snatching the knife and holding the kitchen knife in a position that was harder to get out of. She was twitching to get back at me, but even if she moved, the knife would penetrate her flesh and poke her neck in a place that wouldn't be too fun to deal with. Smiling with the fact that it worked, I tell her, "That move was courtesy of your future self baby." She doesn't say anything but grunts as she tries to move around. I push her away and place the knife back on the counter, looking at the two of them and ask, "Why isn't this place burnt down yet? Recall what I warned you about?" Layla was shocked that I beat Elia and wouldn't keep her eyes off of the half vampire maid, saying without eye contact, "That was amazing Alizé... I umm... I did remember what you said and stopped myself from cooking some breakfast. I instead asked my father to have Elia over here to talk and she decided to bake us a blood cake." I plainly say, "Wow that sounds gross. Anyways..." I look at the stove and see the light inside the oven, watching the chocolate looking cake rise slowly, leaving me to ask, "I didn't know you could bake Elia. You never baked me a cake. Oh wait, you did make me those scrambled eggs once..." I quickly turn around and catch her fist in the air, smirking as I continue saying, "You dumped mop water in them, but I ate it anyways, making you run away crying for flirting with Kirk." Throwing her fist back, I look through the fridge and find a jar of fairy water to drink as I ask, "Any questions women?" I take a drink of the sparkling water and lay against the counter, listening as Elia stands guard of Layla, telling me with anger in her voice, "As if I'd like that pretty boy. Give me a good reason not to kill you where you stand guy!" I sip the drink and tell her, "Well you're my fiancé too in the future. You eventually fall for me, like a year from now. I sorta figured it out when we trained at that weirdo Watashiro's." She widens her eyes in awe and drops her guard entirely, looking at me with wonder as Layla asks, "What's the matter Elia? Who is this Watashiro?" Elia walks up to me ignoring Layla as I comment, "Wow, I never seen you ignore her before. Like, ever." She asks, "How long have you been here?" I look up, thinking the best as I could while saying, "In this timeline... Since the first day of school so like two days ago? But in mine, I've been with you girls from now to the last year of high school." She asks, "And... Let's say you're not lying, what did I do before you died?" I say while recalling the memory, "You were with the rest of the girls outside of the energy dome, weeping in silence as I said how special you were to me. I said it to all of you before falling into the pit and well you know." She looks into my eyes and asks Layla, "So both the Devil and Demon said it was true? The saw it all?" Before Layla could answer I comment, "Heh, you seem to be asking a ton of questions. But besides all this, I need to gather all of my girls to make sure the future doesn't drastically change. Wouldn't want Layla to end up like her first timeline counterpart." Elia furrows her brow saying, "I thought you said she was fine you fool." I sigh and take a drink before answering, "My Layla was shot and I thought she died; hence I killed the people responsible. But she was fine, though the thing is that I'm not the first timeline. Hell, I don't even know which one I am. The first versions of us had a tragic fallout and thanks to a time witch, mostly everybody survives. Mostly." Elia comes close to my face, enough to where I couldn't resist anymore and reach in, kissing her fragile lips as she quickly pushes me away! She holds her mouth as I sigh with a smile while saying, "I needed that. Well, it's time for school so we should roll out. Elia, get the king and ask for a meeting between us after school. I intend to do what I can." My intuition tells me to stop, roaring as I hold my ears, not understanding anything as I ignore it and leave, heading to school alone.

My Monster Teen Romance 3 OVA : Tortured soulWhere stories live. Discover now